Is coffe and tea good for plants?


Iv been growing 2 Snow White plants for 6 weeks now and resently the fan leaves have been showing signs of stress.Iv been watering when needed and feeding them with Miracle Grow pour and feed liquid plant food every 1Picture 022.jpg0 days or so.Its probably a PH inbalance but i dont possess any PH solutions.I was told that using tea or coffee mixed with distilled water is Picture 021.jpga good feed for the plants and could solve this problem BUT im always looking for other opinions.Iv posted a few photos of the plants condition.Picture 020.jpg


You need to go out and get either liquid pH drops, or a soil pH test kit with the capsules. These are the most inexpensive methods of checking pH, you can use the drops to check the run-off and the capsules if you wanted to take a soil sample.

Looks like a pH problem (leaf spotting) and possibly over-watering. Leaves shouldn't be all curled up/under like that. You say you're water when needed but how often is that? Are you sure that your mix drains properly?


Im watering every 3 to 4 days.Im testing the moister by putting my finger about 2 inches into the soil.When it feels dry i water again until i see dropplets coming from the bottom of the plant pot.Do you think it could be a watering problem?


Im using a potting soil/compost/perlite mix.Im pretty new to this and am not entirely sure where to obtain certain item and what exactly i need.Theyr that many different veriations.Some people say one thing then another defunks it by saying another.Picture 022.jpg