Is dark period really full dark night?


Hey, autoflower grower here.
First time growing photo.
I've got one curious question. Since cannabis does not have full 12 hours of darkness during flowering phase in nature, is it really needed indoors?
I'm wondering if I really need tent for indoor growing (idc about smell and other stuff). Let's say place where I grow girls is not near some nature and other light source (window, table lamp, etc.) - is it okay to just set growing lights for 12/12 schedule, having girls on place where would be little of diffuse light from window until sun goes down.
Hey, autoflower grower here.
First time growing photo.
I've got one curious question. Since cannabis does not have full 12 hours of darkness during flowering phase in nature, is it really needed indoors?
I'm wondering if I really need tent for indoor growing (idc about smell and other stuff). Let's say place where I grow girls is not near some nature and other light source (window, table lamp, etc.) - is it okay to just set growing lights for 12/12 schedule, having girls on place where would be little of diffuse light from window until sun goes down.
They need full darkness inside. Inside is different then outdoors on how they act just like greenhouses are a different animal then outdoor. All different all react to stress and issues differently depending on their i
Hey, autoflower grower here.
First time growing photo.
I've got one curious question. Since cannabis does not have full 12 hours of darkness during flowering phase in nature, is it really needed indoors?
I'm wondering if I really need tent for indoor growing (idc about smell and other stuff). Let's say place where I grow girls is not near some nature and other light source (window, table lamp, etc.) - is it okay to just set growing lights for 12/12 schedule, having girls on place where would be little of diffuse light from window until sun goes down.
It sounds like you are just looking to offset electric cost with outdoor sunshine

I'm sure it can be done but limited window light isn't as good as using a HID light
Thus slowing development and reducing yields
So is a few pennies in savings worth it?

Not in my eyes
Hey Herb and Suds,
you are wrong. Im not trying to save costs.
As I said - id like to grow w/o tent, because I have small space to grow + in my circumstances its better to have plants in a room not boxed in tent.

I can understand that if I grow plant from seed she may get use to "switch off, switch on" light schedule w/o any light intensity transmission between light and dark period - so is this why I cant grow it like outdoors as Lordhooha said?
Hey Herb and Suds,
you are wrong. Im not trying to save costs.
As I said - id like to grow w/o tent, because I have small space to grow + in my circumstances its better to have plants in a room not boxed in tent.

I can understand that if I grow plant from seed she may get use to "switch off, switch on" light schedule w/o any light intensity transmission between light and dark period - so is this why I cant grow it like outdoors as Lordhooha said?
Inside = complete darkness, outside let nature do it’s thing
If I remember correct from a grow guide by Ed Rosenthal from a long time ago, moonlight is less than 1 candle light per foot......

That's ONLY if I remember correct.

I think you can also paint a light bulb green and turn on the light and it won't effect the dark cycle of the photoperiod... According to the book......

And not to go contrary to what Herb and Sudz said.... but, I grew one big ass plant with nothing but a picture window and a 150watt light, it was my first grow. I just kept rotating the plant.
Inside = complete darkness, outside let nature do it’s thing
So is there higher chance of getting hybrids when growing feminized seeds outdoors then indoors based on our conversation? (using my little knowledge of light leeks during dark period when it stresses out plant then there is a chance of hybrid)
If I remember correct from a grow guide by Ed Rosenthal from a long time ago, moonlight is less than 1 candle light per foot......

That's ONLY if I remember correct.

I think you can also paint a light bulb green and turn on the light and it won't effect the dark cycle of the photoperiod... According to the book......

And not to go contrary to what Herb and Sudz said.... but, I grew one big ass plant with nothing but a picture window and a 150watt light, it was my first grow. I just kept rotating the plant.
Hey, little bit different thing im talking about. Anyway Ive heard something similar too :) thanks for input tho!
I grow inside without a tent. I have the leds on my ac unit and stereo covered with tape so they don’t emit any light. I have removable panels that are reflective on the inside and black on the outside that fit the widows. My answer would be no you don’t need a tent, yes you should have a dark room when it lights out.
I'm a bit confused on this thread......

If you are growing auto's then you don't need a dark period.....if growing photos, then yes you must have about 12 hours of darkness.

Currently, I'm growing 4 auto's....they get about 6 hours of sunshine, and 18 hours in the tent under a 315 darkness

Hey, it was little introduction.
Saying that im Autoflower grower (i have expriences with autos), then stating that im currently growing my first Photoperiod followed by my question.
Thats where comes my question. In nature, cannabis in outdoor does not have 12 hours of COMPLETE darkness, so why it needs to be COMPLETE darkness indoor?

I explained it above.

"If I remember correct from a grow guide by Ed Rosenthal from a long time ago, moonlight is less than 1 candle light per foot...... "

Less than 1 candle per foot is not enough to trigger hormone for photosynthesis and I am not sure what the total would be to trigger it, but it's right around there. So any light from a street light, or taking a piss in the middle of the night from the bathroom light... depending on length of time that the light was on for, would trigger the hormone.

Some plants are more sensitive to this than others.

To play with photoperiod could invite hermaphrodite genetics to come out in the plant if they are present.
I explained it above.

"If I remember correct from a grow guide by Ed Rosenthal from a long time ago, moonlight is less than 1 candle light per foot...... "

Less than 1 candle per foot is not enough to trigger photosynthesis and I am not sure what the total would be to trigger it, but it's right around there.
As i wrote previously:

"So lets say when sun goes down beyond horizon (sunset), there is still light, we can see, its not complete darkness. So in months like September ( there is 12h and 30m light during the day and 9 hours of complete darkness which means there are 3 hours and 30 minutes of "diffuse" light which you are telling me that plant use as "dark period"? "
As i wrote previously:

"So lets say when sun goes down beyond horizon (sunset), there is still light, we can see, its not complete darkness. So in months like September ( there is 12h and 30m light during the day and 9 hours of complete darkness which means there are 3 hours and 30 minutes of "diffuse" light which you are telling me that plant use as "dark period"? "

That is because you don't understand how light effects the human eye versus light effecting a plant.

Just stick to what the majority of people are telling you and don't try to re-invent the wheel.

For example, in the same response, I explained that you can paint a light bulb GREEN and it won't effect the plants photosynthesis during it's dark cycle. because the plant doesn't USE green light for anything....... It uses blues/reds/oranges. So green light is out side of the spectrum that the plant uses.
Haha, cmon :)
Im not that guy who is trying to re-invent things.
Im just trying to understand :) Not many people seem to understand what Im asking, or you / they simply wont.

"Just stick to what the majority of people are telling you" - reminds me of kids being shaped by school system we have lol
Haha, cmon :)
Im not that guy who is trying to re-invent things.
Im just trying to understand :) Not many people seems to understand what Im asking, or you / they simply wont lel.

I just explained it to you....

At twilight, the light that you see, is outside of the spectrum of blues and reds, or are too weak for the plant to recognize. Just because YOU see them, does not mean that they are strong enough or in the right spectrum for the plant to utilize.

think of Solar Panels, losing power as the sun goes down.

"Just stick to what the majority of people are telling you" - reminds me of kids being shaped by school system we have lol " <---- You mean like the school system that forgot to teach you what light spectrum is and how it effects plants?

This is 6th grade science class man.