Is Death the End?

Zaehet Strife

Well-Known Member
Pad, i feel as if death is the end... because when you look at the universe, and what we humans have been able to figure out about the universe, it tells us over and over again... that nothing lasts forever, that everything is in a constant flux of change, and at the heart of change is decay and degradation. Because there is no viable evidence pertaining to existence beyond death.... and all evidence points to it being the end, my default position is the idea that when i die, i will cease to exist.

I cannot be certain of this, as i cannot really be certain of anything... but when emotions are put to the side, and i listen to reason and logic... all signs point to death being the end. Because of this, i still hold onto the idea that when i die i will cease to exist... but if i am to be completely honest with myself, i cannot be certain.

Which is exactly why i only have ideas with the closest approximations to the truth, rather than beliefs which hold claim to truth.


Well-Known Member
There are actually answers to you questions all around us. You just need to be able to accept them. But, in my opinion. I believe that death is not the end. It is only the end of life as we know it (in our bodies) and the beginning of a whole new experience all together. It would be really depressing to think that this world was just "it". Wouldn't it?
i second that


Well-Known Member
Pad, i feel as if death is the end... because when you look at the universe, and what we humans have been able to figure out about the universe, it tells us over and over again... that nothing lasts forever, that everything is in a constant flux of change, and at the heart of change is decay and degradation. Because there is no viable evidence pertaining to existence beyond death.... and all evidence points to it being the end, my default position is the idea that when i die, i will cease to exist.

I cannot be certain of this, as i cannot really be certain of anything... but when emotions are put to the side, and i listen to reason and logic... all signs point to death being the end. Because of this, i still hold onto the idea that when i die i will cease to exist... but if i am to be completely honest with myself, i cannot be certain.

Which is exactly why i only have ideas with the closest approximations to the truth, rather than beliefs which hold claim to truth.
If you look at the universe, it tells us that nothing is every actually destroyed, but recycled or broken down. This is also describing matter, and your own consciousness and awareness are not matter, but the awareness of matter. When that consciousness leaves the body, it starts to rot.


Well-Known Member
"our own consciousness and awareness are not matter"

What are they?

What is "the awareness of matter"? What does that mean?

Doesn't consciousness and awareness have to be something tangible, even if it's simply a combination of chemicals inside our brains that is enabling us to experience a certain thought or emotion? We might just not be aware of it, but hypothetically, that's what it could be, right?

What if you pass on your conscious thoughts to other individuals throughout your lifetime? Don't they 'live on', in that kind of sense?


New Member
Which is exactly why i only have ideas with the closest approximations to the truth, rather than beliefs which hold claim to truth.
:clap: :clap: :clap:

No one will ever be able to tell us the truth so we might as well live it up.

"Life is but a momentary glimpse of the wonder of this astounding universe, and it is sad to see so many dreaming it away on spiritual fantasy."
- Carl Sagan

In other words take a damn good look while you can, we will most likely not be in this universe when we are dead.
Unless there is a fps-game-like-spawn-point somewhere way out there in the distant reaches of the cosmos, but I doubt it.
There are endless possibilities of what might happen to us when we die, but no point thinking about the because when it happens it happens and
the time we spend on this useless conversation is wasted when could be seeing this astounding universe.


New Member
Doesn't consciousness and awareness have to be something tangible, even if it's simply a combination of chemicals inside our brains that is enabling us to experience a certain thought or emotion? We might just not be aware of it, but hypothetically, that's what it could be, right?

We are beings of chemicals, we are carbon life forms with carbon brains that process thought and consciousness and awareness.
Our brains are made of matter and our thoughts are produced through matter so our consciousness must be an altered state of matter right?
Entirely tangible, but maybe not on our level.
We don't have awareness of matter, matter has awareness of matter and we just simply perceive it for what it is.
Life doesn't have to exist for matter to exist, we are irrelevant to what matter really is.
We exist of matter, matter doesn't exist of us.


Well-Known Member
We live only once ,as we are,Body, mind and indentity.Dont waste it in fear of ending someday,death is as natural as life.We cant comprehend if there ever was a purpose or a why to this experience,What Im saying is that we are aware of life/death on so many levels,to understand we will be here for a short time in the grand picture of existence and live with the contemplation of mortality from time to time invites a feeling of awe and respect to living.The wondering/pondering of why we are so aware of this chance to be alive and breathing brings refreshment of that awe to me.Death is another form of this infinite change or change itself could be seen as the essence of death and rearrangement we see in the universe never ending something indefinetly.Its only natural to not want to end,but to not end or change is unnatural.Peaceful change is the way i like to perceive death,Maybe more people can see it that way in the future.

bird mcbride

Well-Known Member
Carbon based creatures. Jewels such as diamonds are derived from carbon. Through the process of ossification the control center of your brain could be converted into a tiny crystal and if active thought occurs our second life would be in the form of a microscopic crystilyne entity.


Well-Known Member
Every moment is infinite. The last moment will be everything. And once everything has manifested, there is nothing.

i recoment you read Allan Watts Life, Death . he explains the universe

Zaehet Strife

Well-Known Member
Nice post impman, i would like to elaborate.



Well-Known Member
do you think the bacteria in your stomach are thinking about what happens after death? do you ever think about what is really YOU? what makes YOU??? you're not just one thing (or maybe everything is just one thing)...... countless things make up what you consider you......... we are just another part of the big picture. I don't think that when you die it's just like being unconscious forever and ever amen......... there is eternity....... ETERNITY for things to happen and repeat.

remember we only have like 2 more chromosomes than a potato...... so we don't really have the ability to think accurately about these things......... we can only hope and believe.... and if someone KNOWS one single thing about anything....... let me know. I still won't believe you.

I do admit, I think about this sort of thing everyday...... every hour.

Zaehet Strife

Well-Known Member
i think (not believe) that when you die, you cease to exist. straight up, the only way you could ever be you again, is if you were put into the same exact situations as you are in right now, from the time you are born until the time that you die, chances are... this will probably never happen again.


Well-Known Member
I know that there are far 'simpler' oganisms than us that have far more chromosomes so that don't mean jack


New Member
i think (not believe) that when you die, you cease to exist. straight up, the only way you could ever be you again, is if you were put into the same exact situations as you are in right now, from the time you are born until the time that you die, chances are... this will probably never happen again.
Depends on condition of our universe.
I think(and many others) the universe is continuous and forever,
if this is the case then there is a probability that there is another earth somewhere with another me and you on it.
Possibly living the exact same life as we are now.


New Member
remember we only have like 2 more chromosomes than a potato...... so we don't really have the ability to think accurately about these things......... we can only hope and believe.... and if someone KNOWS one single thing about anything....... let me know. I still won't believe you.
Yea but then again we eat the potato not the other way around!
Jeez are you really as dumb as potato?! You think so?

Alright I'm going to start it off simple for you.
I KNOW 1 + 1 = 2.
Isn't that fantastic?! Its not just here, its everywhere, everywhere in the whole universe 1 + 1 = 2.
Might not be called one or two but it will all equate the same mathematically, what ever it is called.
You can count it in potatoes, alien fingers, human fingers anything!
Thats the thing about math, its universal, its not just for humans and humans did not create math, math was created with the universe.


Well-Known Member
For all of the advanced users, what do you think of this question? The possibility that death may indeed be the end, with my essence (ego or otherwise) ceasing to exist, has really got me down; it just seems like such a sad proposition.

And even if we are all just "one," that doesn't really help the situation. I also wonder how/if reproducing factors into this whole magical mortality equation; what if, on some level, having children is the *only* way to not die, so to speak.


- Angry that there are no answers to any of the important questions.
the "Soul" continues to live after...the experience depending on your works in this life.

Zaehet Strife

Well-Known Member
The saddest and most pathetic fear based idea humans ever thought up... the idea of a soul.

Edit: On second thought... i guess it is a kinda romantic idea... Kinda like love at first sight, more like "i want to fuck you" at first sight.