Is early yellowing normal?


Well-Known Member
I cant correct something when I have no idea what the problem is. Yellowing just means something is wrong. Im not a horticulturist? figure out what it may be. From what I read one shouldn't even have problems this early! lol. I learnt that gardening is not for me..certainly not mj! lol. Too hard to grow indoors for me:) It was a fun ride..i learnt a bit in the past 6 weeks. don't have a problem. A vague yellow hue isn't a problem, the idea that you have a problem because of something so minor is the problem here.

You're literally giving up on yourself before you've even begun if you're saying you can't grow indoors. It's called weed for a reason.


Well-Known Member
It is one of three things.

Over water, we can eliminate because of how little you watered.

Under water. This would be the culprit. Water it until water runs out the bottom. Make a mental note of the weight of the pot.

Hot soil. Might be possible but still going with water problem.

Just water it good and then let it dry.
What is wrong with his plant? I see a vague yellow hue on the growth but that doesn't mean anything, it's way too early to start diagnosing problems now.

OP should just let his plant grow and come back here in three weeks once he realizes the more he worries over the seedling the more he is killing it.


Well-Known Member
I'm not aware as to the limitations of your grow so I'm going to trust you'd have a good reason to throw out a perfectly fine plant.
I don't get either. Its not a disaster. It will be fine. I don't get why the op is going to throw the towel in.

Op, when I said a problem, I meant a slight one. Its not bad. It will grow.


Well-Known Member
What is wrong with his plant? I see a vague yellow hue on the growth but that doesn't mean anything, it's way too early to start diagnosing problems now.

OP should just let his plant grow and come back here in three weeks once he realizes the more he worries over the seedling the more he is killing it.

It more than a hue of yellow. It shouldn't be yellow.

The only time new growth should be yellow is flower onset. They get a yellow center. If you look at them from the top. Its how helicopters find it.

Its not a major problem though. It will be fine. The op and you are making it seem like I said it was a severe problem.


Well-Known Member
It more than a hue of yellow. It shouldn't be yellow.

The only time new growth should be yellow is flower onset. They get a yellow center. If you look at them from the top. Its how helicopters find it.

Its not a major problem though. It will be fine. The op and you are making it seem like I said it was a severe problem.
Well I know you meant it was not severe.

I just didn't want OP (who seems to be rather new) thinking a little yellowing was an issue at all. Plenty of new growers see the slightest off color patch and freak out it seems and I just thought by agreeing with OP that there is an issue with the plant you were just perpetuating this issue though you are doing what is the sociably right thing to do, trying to help. I'm really not trying to seem like an ass while I type this, I simply feel as though the lesson of let it grow could be applied to more than half of the questions that get asked in the Newbie section or General Growing.

Admittedly I'm a picky bitch and ass so I come across as one. No apologies if I do, I just would hope you'd understand my perspective.


It is one of three things.

Over water, we can eliminate because of how little you watered.

Under water. This would be the culprit. Water it until water runs out the bottom. Make a mental note of the weight of the pot.

Hot soil. Might be possible but still going with water problem.

Just water it good and then let it dry.
The problem is I read auto's have to be planted straight in final in a 4.5 gallon container. I read in many places that for s eedling in such a cant do the traditional 20% runoff that you would with a regular plant at this stage. It will take too long for the soil to dry out and the plant wont get enough oxygen, root rot can develop. I was told to water just a bit in a circle just away from the stem. The perlite was wet when I added it as I rinsed it first. The soil and castings were also damp. The top of the soil is bone dry..i gave it half a cup each just around the time it broke soil sunday morning. Then a couple tablespoons each yesterday morning. I have them next to each other with 8 cfl's (23w) 6500k placed over them and a fan running on low a feet feet away. I've also turned the pots 180 degrees each day.
Im just not sure when to give it the watering the traditional way..with the 20% runoff. I'll take a pic of it now...9 hours since lights on today.
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The lifting technique will work. If it feels heavy, don't water.

Take two containers the same size. Put the soil the way you used it and let the other dry under a fan or oven.

Feel the difference in weight, even if you didn't drench it.

They make cheap analog moisture meters to. Less than ten bucks on amazon.
ive been looking on amazon for them..and while I found them..the reviews are conficting in how accurate they are. I was planning to get a pool ph kit at Canadian tire to test water in and runoff to see ph.


Well-Known Member
ive been looking on amazon for them..and while I found them..the reviews are conficting in how accurate they are. I was planning to get a pool ph kit at Canadian tire to test water in and runoff to see ph.
Don't test run off pH. It will having you chase your tail. It means nothing.

The correct way to che k pH of soil is to take equal parts soil and distilled water. Mix and check the pH.

As soil dries the pH swings. Not all nutrients are absorbed optimally at the same pH. As it swings it allows proper nutrient uptake.

I plant straight to 5-7 gallon pots. I make my own soil so I keep it moist. When I plant the soil is moist. I may not water them again for 2-4 weeks. No joke. When they are little they need very little water.

You said something about temps. Cool temps can cause colors at all stages in of growth.
First pic is the one showing yellow, royal ak auto. The other one is next to it..white widow auto.
Those look OK.

How far down is that soil dry? The toke looks real dry.


I poked my finger down..and at the first knuckle I can feel slight dampness at my fingertip. The top is dry..the area not within 2 inches of the plant is bone dry on the top. The corners of the pot are completely dry about half to full finger deep. Was thinking to do a gallon watering on Saturday or sunday..first runoff watering.


Ya, maybe lime green. Just looks too light. I guess its normal according to what others say. Thanks for the help guys! All the props to you growers! This is much harder than I imagined..and after getting through another 2+ hour video on youtube, im quite sure this will be way beyond my understanding as the plant grows. The millions of nutrients to give it..the complexity in gonna get a tomato plant! lol. Good luck guys!


Seems in the end that it was the onset of but rot I was getting. I noticed what looks like dusty leaves, I read that's how bud rot starts..with a dusty looking gray spore on the leaves. I was wondering why the leaves didn't look so 'sharp' in color. They had a coating of what looks like dust, but I guess it was mold. Gonna dump them in the park on my way to work..maybe they'll like it better there:) Bol, Happy growing to all!!!

haze andy84

Looking to get some opinions on what are some really good nutes im currently using foxfarm. Im happy with it but 12 different bottle is bit much.