Is Elon Musk the anti-christ?

Oooh, how edgy! :roll:

Plus some overly-dramatic whining, and oligarchy too! Oh my!

And finally, you'll enjoy reading how others respond to your troll thread.

Jesus! Isn't winter over up there yet??

I was just thinking about you! I thought you left this place . And uncle Buck.. is he ok? It’s not the same without him around like he use to be. I hope you both are doing well. I am not sure if you know him.
Not much is going to change. There has to be guidelines on these kinds of platforms. I think he was mostly showing 45 what real rich people do when they don't like a business. They buy it.

He is just a reddit user that leaned how stocks work. Prices will go up now and he will sell his 10% and done like all the rest of shit he inflated prices then sold
One thing about twitter is the number of actual users is much lower than they claim. Just as facebook does, they use accounts created for the number of users which isn't the actual amount of active users. Many people create an account and then never use it. Or they forget their login information and create a new account. I don't think twitter is as big a deal as some people make it out to be. Most people have lives and don't have time to be following a bunch of yahoos on twitter.

I also don't think twitter posts are going to change anyone's minds about anything so it doesn't really matter who tweets what or who owns and controls it.
Twits gotta have a place to tweet.

tRump has only made one post on his own platform and he'll be back on Twitter the second Elon invites him back.

He is just a reddit user that leaned how stocks work. Prices will go up now and he will sell his 100% and done like all the rest of shit he inflated prices then sold

There. FIFY
