Is everyone under 6ft of snow!

That is soooooo disgusting.... I wouldn't be letting that fucking shrivelled up stinky toe touching these lips!
After this gawd awful winter Ive got a few toes layin around. I was gonna mail you a couple to drop off for me
Im so sick of you BC people braggin about your winter (I am supposed be living there RIGHT NOW!) think I will go poke my eye with an ice pick
Edit: update my eyeball was frozen, broke the pick
So I heard SO is going to get a bit of snow today. This just means you'll have a great summer....this is my's been too mild here and summers are short and cool enough.
it went down to -6 this morning <shudder>.. it's a good temp for working outside if a guy wants to break a sweat.. I'm sure you guys will be stoked to hear that it's going to be 15 all next week here.. I'm going to plant a bunch of spinach and kale..
Minus 30 fucking something. ..seriously winter I'm ok with ur random power trips on Boston. ..lord knows they probably deserve much more....but bouncing from -40 to -4 in 24 hrs is absolute fucking nonsense! !

I'm gonna put on my bikini and sit in my tent tonight. ..
Minus 30 fucking something. ..seriously winter I'm ok with ur random power trips on Boston. ..lord knows they probably deserve much more....but bouncing from -40 to -4 in 24 hrs is absolute fucking nonsense! !

I'm gonna put on my bikini and sit in my tent tonight. ..
you have to send a pic of a bikini, in a tent in the snow...that made me laugh out loud.
no offense to you. i have no idea what you look like....just that thought of anyone doing that for real i think is funny