Is everyone using 10" fans (over 900cfm) for srubbing 4k sealed rooms?


Well-Known Member
Hey, nice to see you again :-D
8x39, That is the exact fan/filter combo i use standing up in my sealed rooms. 1 in each of them rooms you got would be proper IMO. I go 2 of them in an 8 light room(15'x20')


Active Member
Righteous brother! The Phresh recommends that 8 x 39 but with a 950 CFM fan (for a 4 light setup). Any body know of an 8" fan that pulls over 900cfm?


Well-Known Member
On a four light setup put your blower on a 10" mainline and pop 8" saddle takeoff to feed a pair of hoods and reduce the end to 8" and elbow off that for last pair. Here is an 12" - 8" example. Sorry about hps lighting lol.



Active Member
I'm talking, free standing, carbon filter and fan in a sealed room.

My lights will be cooled from air outside the rooms, in a continuous loop, through both rooms. The duct work will be bell shaped, in both rooms, because my lights are in a square pattern. I'll put ONE 8" inline 750cfm fan in each room. Both fans will be on 24/7, so I'll be stacking 750cfm to cool 4k. Remember, I'll be running a flip. Only one side on at a time.

The warm air, exhaust from the light will be pumped into my drying and curing room, where there is already another 8" carbon scrubber.


Active Member
That's what I was afraid of. Thanks again Snaps. Those fans would put me over budget but I think they would be a good investment. This op is only going to be up for a year but I will always be able to use those fans.


Well-Known Member
Not sure where you are but craigs list can be a real asset when $ is tight. I have picked up more like new gear for 75-90% off of retail. A 10 Can lite $100.00! just have to check often, search on many words and move fast.


Well-Known Member
I picked up three xtrasun 1kw hps ballasts, 8 port high output air pump, 12" vortex and a 8" hydrofarm blower. Total cost, $275 + gas for a beautiful ride to Breckenridge and back. Was truly a great day cruising thru beautiful mountains on 9 thru Fairplay / South Park..


Well-Known Member
I picked up three xtrasun 1kw hps ballasts, 8 port high output air pump, 12" vortex and a 8" hydrofarm blower. Total cost, $275 + gas for a beautiful ride to Breckenridge and back. Was truly a great day cruising thru beautiful mountains on 9 thru Fairplay / South Park..
No doubt Snaps, your in the Mecca for gear. So many people with big growing dreams, (you see them on here often) buy 10k worth of gear expecting to make 100k in 2 mos. Once they realize it takes some skill and that it's a job they liquidate. Pretty good market where I am as well.


Well-Known Member
So many deals on craigslist. Ain't for me though. Call me weird but i like buying NEW shit, then i give away/install my old gear into other people's setups :-D


Well-Known Member
Be honest, all but two of my ballasts were used when I got them. I've had better luck with used since any factory defect issues have been cleared.


Well-Known Member
I definately don't give away my ballasts on a regular basis :-) I try and replace the caps on them roughly every other year though.


Active Member
I'll be using 12" vortex 1140 cfm reduced to a 10" x 39 1400 cfm Phresh filter, in each room.