is flora nova better than foxfarm?


Well-Known Member
I've only ever used Fox-Farm so I guess I am biased but I think that taking the time to PH gives you some good quality time with them and makes the hobby of growing more interesting.


Well-Known Member
Spending time with your plants and PHing lol, I spend so much time on my plants phing takes no time. But serriously if you are so worried about quick and easy you probably shouldn't be doing this. Its pretty freakin easy to begin with.


New Member
Spending time with your plants and PHing lol, I spend so much time on my plants phing takes no time. But serriously if you are so worried about quick and easy you probably shouldn't be doing this. Its pretty freakin easy to begin with.
i like ff. a friend uses flora nova. whos tried both anybody


Well-Known Member
I have used flora nova to good effect but had issues getting the bud density I was looking for. Since switching to AN I have been able to solve this problem it would appear. Foxfarms I have heard good things about but have no experience with.


Well-Known Member
Fox Farm isn't completely organic though. Their regular line has inorganic stuff in it. I Think just the Big Bloom is organic.


New Member
i heard to be inorganic i just means the minereal is not attached to a carbon molecule and its not nessesarilly the worst thing unless it is some chemy thing. i like ff this kid likes fn it would be good to settle this

DR growgood

Well-Known Member
yes flore nove is the shit but just get the regular flora series its cheaper and it is the same its just three part and yes it is organic and it is ph buffered also try the dimond nector it helps grow more feeders on the roots. im good freinds with some one who owns a hydro store and he has tryed all three gh/foxfarm/dutchmaster and he say's gh is the best bang for the buck.


New Member
cool fox isnt there too bad. i just saw a hilarious video next to yours about a guy in moscow buying big bud from the grow store. he puts it on everything and it grows. funny as hell


Well-Known Member
I am using the FF line in my soil girls and the basic GH 3 part in my hydro girls.

I have not used the FF in hydro but swear by it in soil, just like I swear by the GH for hydro.

And GH isnt organic, nor is fox farm completely organic. Tiger bloom and big bloom I think are the organic part of FF.



New Member
I am using the FF line in my soil girls and the basic GH 3 part in my hydro girls.

I have not used the FF in hydro but swear by it in soil, just like I swear by the GH for hydro.

And GH isnt organic, nor is fox farm completely organic. Tiger bloom and big bloom I think are the organic part of FF.

i dont think the tiger is organic but im saying i dont think it matters in this case because of the carbon thing correct me if im wrong but good flush at the end gets rid of all the shit anyway doesnt it?


Well-Known Member
i dont think the tiger is organic but im saying i dont think it matters in this case because of the carbon thing correct me if im wrong but good flush at the end gets rid of all the shit anyway doesnt it?
GH FloraNova isnt even close to organic! THe phrase on the bottle "concentrated to the limit of solubility" keeps coming to mind

A good flush will help, but you will never achieve the same smell and taste as would an organically grown plant, from what I gather. Although the yield is supposed to pwn organics.

Ive been using GH floranova but im done with it after this grow. The shit takes forever to mix and ph and is just a general pain in the ass. The super concentration doesnt help either.