Is Foxfarm Weed Good Enough to be called Medical?


Active Member
I'm pretty new to these forums, but I've read a LOT of extremely incoherent posts here on RIU. What the hell is going on? lol

I can't believe how long this thread has went and dude asked a question that made not sense whatsoever, but when someone asks a legit question the don't get shit for replies lololol
lmao so true.


Active Member
Click "My Rollitup" at the very top of this page. It'll be like the 4th function in, on the right side. On the left hand side of that page, there'll be an option to editing your "signature". This will be displayed on every post you make, unless you specifically tell it not to on a post. I just noticed you edit every post you have to copy and paste that link, lol.
thanks so much was wondering how it is auto there.


Well-Known Member
Dude if u mean by if u should use fox farm,dont use it that shit sux

Fox farm does not suck, ive used growbig for like 10 years and never had a single problem with it at all.. Cant speak for the bloomers cause havent used them since i start growing but LOVE GROW BIG and I just switched over to FFOF and i'm diggin that too