Is Gay Marriage Really That Big Deal?

To say the least. But at least this time a little more effort was put into the response. :)
love is a tool of propagation. marriage is a tool of propagation. lol, i mean procreation. If they cant propagate can they love, if they arent going to procreate wht are they married? Define marriage and quit screwing around
Aw, dude.. So, if what you're saying is part of the definition of marriage, what about people like my husband and me? We've only been married a short time, and we are not having kids (we have grandchildren, though). We will never have kids together. Is procreation really all there is that defines a marriage?

What about those who say it's a spiritual thing? Does that then mean that it is not possible for there to be a deep, spiritual connection with someone of the same sex, including in a more.. tantric sense?

I still say, as long as the government is the business of defining marriage, and as long as the other alternatives do not afford the full range and experience of that which is included in the legal definition of marriage, homosexuals have the right to enjoy such an institution. If people have such a problem with marriage being made, legally, to include homosexuals, then either get the government out of the marriage business altogether, or re-work the alternatives.

I have more pertinent legal information, joepro's gotten at a bit from an angle I hadn't hit.
To say the least. But at least this time a little more effort was put into the response. :)

Aw, dude.. So, if what you're saying is part of the definition of marriage, what about people like my husband and me? We've only been married a short time, and we are not having kids (we have grandchildren, though). We will never have kids together. Is procreation really all there is that defines a marriage?

What about those who say it's a spiritual thing? Does that then mean that it is not possible for there to be a deep, spiritual connection with someone of the same sex, including in a more.. tantric sense?

I still say, as long as the government is the business of defining marriage, and as long as the other alternatives do not afford the full range and experience of that which is included in the legal definition of marriage, homosexuals have the right to enjoy such an institution. If people have such a problem with marriage being made, legally, to include homosexuals, then either get the government out of the marriage business altogether, or re-work the alternatives.

I have more pertinent legal information, joepro's gotten at a bit from an angle I hadn't hit.

For you, the world.
Now you sound like SeaMaid.
Hardly CC. Seamaiden is much more verbose, articulate, and concise than I. I would however, suggest that you wear a cup when grappling with the likes of her as she can handily dispatch you with...

"half her brain tied behind her back" ;)

You still sound like our RIU Court Jester when you state that you don't have to prove anything though. I really expected better from you...seriously.
Hardly CC. Seamaiden is much more verbose, articulate, and concise than I. I would however, suggest that you wear a cup when grappling with the likes of her as she can handily dispatch you with...

"half her brain tied behind her back" ;)

You still sound like our RIU Court Jester when you state that you don't have to prove anything though. I really expected better from you...seriously.

I'll take that with a grain of salt.........wife thing and all.

Do you like carrots? Yes? Prove it! No? Prove it!

Prove your voting Ron Paul. (I don't believe you...:neutral:)

To ask someone to "prove" a personal judgement call is juvenile.

Prove your voting Ron Paul. (I don't believe you...:neutral:)

This marriage issue is malleable and should be hashed out in the ballot box, so that opinions are respected. It is however fodder for the courts......and those that would strip individuals of their right to have a say on societies more contentious issues. Lame.
I don't need to "prove" anything. Your opinion is, marriage is a right to be had by all. My contention is that marriage is a privilege, and as such, need not be "equally distributed".

What percentage of the US population is "homosexual"? Of that percentage, what percent desire to be married?

What percentage of the population is on welfare? Of the total US population, what percentage would like to be on welfare?

What percentage of the US population pay taxes? Of that percentage, what percentage desire to pay taxes?

What percentage of the US population has legal authority to smoke marijuana? Of the total US population, what percentage would like to have legal authority to smoke marijuana?

Our system of governance has rules. You don't have to like the rules. You do have live with them, though.


why do you think heterosexuals should have special "privileges" homos shouldnt...whats your big beef with homos being able to have next of kin, being able to visit each other in the hospital, have joint custody of a child etc...
why do you think heterosexuals should have special "privileges" homos shouldnt...whats your big beef with homos being able to have next of kin, being able to visit each other in the hospital, have joint custody of a child etc...

Why do you think "homos" should have special privileges that mere platonic friends shouldn't?
I cant see whats in the picture, I dont get your point....just answer the question, whats the big deal with homos having next of kin, being able to visit each other in the hospital, joint custody etc...
Composite U.S. Demographics

1.51% of the total U.S. population identifies themselves as gay, lesbian or bisexual, or 4.3 total million Americans. These numbers are based on figures provided by a broad-based coalition of gay rights organizations and homosexual advocacy groups. The primary source cited was the The National Health and Social Life Survey (NHSLS), published in the book The Social Organization of Sex: Sexual Practices in the United States (1994), by Laumann, Gagnon, Michael and Michaels.
if the person becomes incapacitated power of attorney is taken away...this doesnt give you joint custody of a child, much still havent answered the question
ok so since theyre a small minority its ok to discriminate against them?

Who's discriminating? The law is equally applied. I can't marry the same sex, just as a gay person can't marry the same sex. We both have the same opportunity to marry someone as dictated by the state legislature of each individual state.

Can you smoke weed in front of the police station? Can a medical marijuana user do it? Isn't that what you call discrimination? It's called the L-A-W. We voted on it, hopefully. We must abide by it, for or against it.