Well-Known Member
I may have been all wrong about GSC. She's coming down today and her colas are much heavier than I thought they were, and there are many more of them than I thought. In a nutshell not only was I wrong about GSC I suspect she will be a fantastic producer. I'll get a final dry weight in a week. Maybe all that pain in the butt supporting all of those branches was worth it after all. And she is gumming up the scissors like a motherfucker. I didn't even make it through 1 cola before I had to clean the blades. I usually make it through a half hour of trimming maui before that happens. The smell is very unique. Kinda like a dessert. Sweet with floral notes. I haven't smelled anything like it since I was in high school smoking northern lights. Here's a pic of a trimmed bud. My camera sucks donkey balls. My apologies. Got a charger on the way for the iphone 5 I ordered off ebay just to take pics. Lost the dam charger before I ever even took a single picture