It is on the fedearl registry of listed chemicals. The list is based on chemical and such commonly used in the illicit manfacturing of drugs. It also conatins such items as draino. (sodium hydroxide) toulene (enamel and epoxy cleaner). coleman lanterne fuel, match books, kiit loitter, acetone, pseudophed decongetsants, methanol (alcohol), lithium batteries and many other common items.
Alledgedly it is used as a manner to prevent the chemicals from getting into the wrong hands. More often then not it is just used to obtain search warrants. The local police tell the retailers to sell the products to suspiscous people but obtain an ID and notify them after te sells are made. The way it is supposed to work is if they look or sound suspicous no sell is supposed to be made by the retailers. Then they also must maintain a record of the sells over a certain set amount to per sall to each person beacause the law requires a permit to purchase over a preset amount per purchase or per month.
Retailers typically do not follow the law/regulations but instead cooperate with the illegal requests of the police. An example is that there is no requirement on producing ID for purcahses of up to 9 grams of pseudophed. That's 300 tablets. Most stores only sell boxes of 24 or less and tell people the law requires a record of all sells. That is a flat out lie. They are merely illegally coopoerating with local law enforcement that obviously always breaks all the rules. The DEA is presently trying to get didd fferent bran\ds of nutrients added to the listed chemical registry. ie Canna, GH, and AN.