okay so 3 days ago my friends(who has a medical card) seed sprouted and its now about and inch and a half high and has its round fake leaves and the reg leaves out but thats all. the regular leaves are about half the size of the round leaves...it has only the starter leaves and the first set of regular leaves and its been three days.last night he went to bed and when he woke up it hadnt really grown but the reg leaves got a tiny bit bigger about the size of the round leaves but just a bit smaller.he doesnt know what strain it is and it was abou 6 inches away from the light when it first started but now the light is about 2 inches away sense he moved it closer. he has been spraying it with water till the top is wet but today he got a shot glass and he did it till the botton leaked out and just watered it around the base. anything wrong? oh and its a 24 hour floresent fish tank light sense he has like no budget