Is Humidity good or bad for germinating seeds?


Active Member
I have heard all kinds of things. place between two paper towels and saucers. on a paper towel in a ziplock, drop in water . Why do i get such a bad germ rate%? It seems like there rotting.... HELP


Active Member
I've had the best success with the paper towel method in a sealed container in a warm place. The last time I germed seeds I couldn't get them to pop for the life of me, the problem was temp. Seeds need moisture, oxygen, and warmth to pop open. I think the accepted temps for proper germination is around 80F.

Basically always keep them moist and warm. Open up the container(if using the paper towel method) at least once per day to check the moisture level and allow the seeds some fresh oxygen. I've found that a good place is on top of the hot water heater since it pretty much stays at a constant temp at all times.

Good luck


Well-Known Member
ive had 100% success germing seeds with baby wipes lol they stay damp forever just give em a good rinse first as above warmth helps

its the growing after that im not good at yet


Active Member
Thanks free thoughts. I guess im just having bad luck with these old seeds lately. They must be going bad. I started to question myself even though i have had no problems doing this way many times. Do seeds that are starting to go bad do this? pop open and then just die? Well ....and only like 2 out of 10 are doing that.Thanks


I agree with freethoughts. I just germinated 8 seeds and had 100% germination in 2 days. I folded 2 paper towels in half and put them on a plate, I layed the seeds on the towels then covered the seeds with 2 more folded paper towels. Dampen the paper towels with water(do not soak them, no pudles) cover the plate with a bowl then put the plate on top of your hot water heater. Check them about once or twice a day. Keep the towels wet and good luck :)