is it a female or what


Well-Known Member
ok i been having problems trying to sexy my plant i been growing for about 2 months i would say and my plant is 20 inches it grows about a inch a day since i use my 400w mh but i have a question i been trying to sexy my plant sativa strain "giga buddy" and its pretty bushy since i fim `d it twice when it was 6-7 inches and since then it grows double shoots off of each shoot that grew and it was 7 inches like on the 15th of june now its 20 inches but i been trying to figure out if it was a femal or not but this morning i took a drive to the location and instead of pistils growing in between the shoot n stem i got them growing on mf fan leaves that have 13 blades and its in the middle part of the leave and some are on the small tops on the new shoots so does that indicate it a female or what ?



cant really tell with those picks, i usually wait til flowering b4 i can determine but thats just me, im not an expert. but i heard u can tell in about 6-8 weeks in veg.


Well-Known Member
no thats not the pics to show the sex i was just showing that they didnt show on the shoot n etc, but it showed up on the 13 bladed leaves so i was just wondering whats that about because its pistils and you got to be kinda close to see it and they are tiny and males dont do that do they ?