Is it a male Or female?


Well-Known Member
Is it a male or female? How do you tell or how can you tell? (Are the pictures not detailed enough?)



Well-Known Member
You have to check around the 4th node. If you see any sign of little balls at the node, its male, if you see hairs its female. It's really a lot more complicated than that but I don't quite know how to explain it. Someone will help, its still probably early to tell anyway.


New Member
veg untill 8"tall(4/8 weeks).
you can only tell the sex once into flowering mode.
depending on strain about 2 weeks in to flowering you can sex them easy and pull the males.


New Member
show a close up of a shoot off main stem but may b 2 young 2 tell yor not flowering yet r ya thier small


New Member
were the shoot off the main stem starts u will see 2 small leaves more of a pre leaf if thier rounded good chance r male if pointy good chance fem hard 2 sex at that stage


Well-Known Member
... a little small to tell isnt it....

here is one of my plants that i am still not sure of sex on, a week into flowering...



New Member
newtoit get a good shot of a newer shoot or older even look at 2 little nubby leaves at base of shoot off of stem rounded male pointy fem


Well-Known Member
With my lighting i want to have 18hr on, then 6hr off, 18 on, 6 off, 18 on, 6 off correct?

What would happen if you had a 3 hour space in your 18 hr? so it would be like 10hr on, 3 hr off, 8 hr on, 3hr off, then it repeats daily.


Well-Known Member
nothin you are fine
only in flowering is where you cannot have light leaks during dark period or else it may stress hermie


Well-Known Member
Don't add that 3 hour space on purpose, the 18 on 6 off, is good for the plants. The idea is to mimic outdoor light though right? It's not really realistic for there to be a weird 3 hour period every other day. The light will be on and stay on, until night (your off period).


Well-Known Member
What would happen if you had a 3 hour space in your 18 hr? so it would be like 10hr on, 3 hr off, 8 hr on, 3hr off, then it repeats daily.
... :confused: ... :confused: ... just stick with the 18 on 6 off...

dont screw with lighting times unless you want problems... stick with what you have till you are ready to flower, then change to 12/12 and stay away from them the lights are on...


New Member
18 on 6 off until your plant is at least 20 inches tall is the best bet.... way to early to tell sex yet.... I vegged for over 2 months before mine started pre sexing (showing signs of sex ).....good luck...


Well-Known Member
some people dont have enough room to wait until they are 20 inches,
remember they almost triple in height in flowering so that would be around 5 feet,
thats massive for an indoor plant unless you got the room