Is it bad to flush durring flowering?


Active Member
Just curious if you could if it looks like nute burn..also when do you start to see your plants leaves dying off in the last stages in flowering like how many weeks into flowering?

Mr. Limpet

Well-Known Member
Just curious if you could if it looks like nute burn..also when do you start to see your plants leaves dying off in the last stages in flowering like how many weeks into flowering?
umm ya its ok to flush. and at the end when your plants yellow thats a result of flushing.

Read up on it


Well-Known Member
You can flush as much as you want!!! It's not hurting the plants. Just make sure that you don't drowned them. Your leaves will start to die off about week 6-7 of flowering. It really all depends on the strain!


Active Member
alright thanks for the input but im pretty sure the nutes were burning her a little and so they were already dying at the tips like a nasty brown/grey color so thats why i flushed


Well-Known Member
It's a good idea to flush your medium out at least once during the flowering cycle. This gets rid of salt build up which will eventually bite you in the ass if you let it build up bad enough. Most of the time it isn't a problem but you'd be surprised. Just take them to the tub and run water into the pot until it starts running clear out of the bottom. Alot of garden gurus recommend flushing atleast once a week if you feed with every watering.