Is it bad to touch ur buds??


Well-Known Member
no I totally agree,I didnt have time before it began to flower to top it too late too top with a nug already on top??


Well-Known Member
Booo. At least it didn't get worse though. That's a big cola to lose entirely. 2" is a pretty small dent in that thing hahah.

Actually I lost a fair bit due to mould. Total pull was 12.33oz from 4 plants. I reckon if I hadn't suffered with Rot and allowed them another week to finish strong I could have pulled more like 17oz I probably had to throw around 2-3oz to the Rot.

Needless to say I purchased a dehumidifier for the next grow after that lol.



New Member
Don't touch your buds your just damaging them. If you really want to smell your beauties without touching your buds here's how you do it.

Rub your fingers on the crystalized leafs that are close to the buds. Thats it !!
yeah you will damage them. i think i can see my brain right now.


Well-Known Member
Really thats something I have never heard or tried...Have you actually tried this??
No. Thant pinching buds to top em is one of the dumbest things I've ever heard. I've been away from newbie central for awhile, is this the kind of shit that is passing for advice? Vetran growers, shame on you, for not calling this shit what it is,shit.


Well-Known Member
Don't touch your buds your just damaging them. If you really want to smell your beauties without touching your buds here's how you do it.

Rub your fingers on the crystalized leafs that are close to the buds. Thats it !!
um... what? if your growing plants, and theres buds, and you wanna smell them, WALK INTO THE ROOM WITH THE PLANTS. shit stinks! haha.
i try to not touch the buds. ill grab and tug on the fan leaves, or grab the plants by the stems. i feel the buds are fragile, but im sure they would be ok if you touched them. i just want optimal conditions.


No. Thant pinching buds to top em is one of the dumbest things I've ever heard. I've been away from newbie central for awhile, is this the kind of shit that is passing for advice? Vetran growers, shame on you, for not calling this shit what it is,shit.

In short, YES and It is sickening. The worst part of it all, newbies are listening to this type of shit advice over the correct advice more times than not.


Well-Known Member
In short, YES and It is sickening. The worst part of it all, newbies are listening to this type of shit advice over the correct advice more times than not.
That's a damn shame. When I first started growing with the help of this site it was about helping other sick people grow medicine, I notice now its a lot of people trying to be dealers, that's a damn shame indeed.
Oh and +1 420killa


Well-Known Member
I've found the same thing. I remember when I first joined I couldn't find enough time to read all the amazing info showing up every day on this site. Now it's either somebody telling you that even though they've never made it to harvest they're the best grower here by default (while asking why their buds are rotting after they sprayed them and have no hygrometer); or, some guy asking what to do with a 25x25 warehouse that he hasn't even found yet for a commercial op to replace his first closet grow which got busted (oh, without knowing what lights, strain, setup, nutes, veg time, etc, he will be yielding 8000g every 2 months, so we all suck) lol


I've found the same thing. I remember when I first joined I couldn't find enough time to read all the amazing info showing up every day on this site. Now it's either somebody telling you that even though they've never made it to harvest they're the best grower here by default (while asking why their buds are rotting after they sprayed them and have no hygrometer); or, some guy asking what to do with a 25x25 warehouse that he hasn't even found yet for a commercial op to replace his first closet grow which got busted (oh, without knowing what lights, strain, setup, nutes, veg time, etc, he will be yielding 8000g every 2 months, so we all suck) lol
Amen to that Mike. I've only been here a short time and it didn't take long to see who knows what they are doin or just guessing. I get enuff BS @ work. Common sense isn't taught in school . Keep on Growing:leaf:



That's a damn shame. When I first started growing with the help of this site it was about helping other sick people grow medicine, I notice now its a lot of people trying to be dealers, that's a damn shame indeed.
Oh and +1 420killa

This site helped me tenfold when I first joined. I remember a time when growers would only pass on factual information, and more times than not back it up with a source/link full of pages of great reading material. At the same time, if someone was not sure of what they were talking about, or couldnt find articles to back their theories up, they would keep their mouths shut. Plain and simple. More and more now I am seeing these know-it-all, all mighty, "I am on my first harvest growing bagseed in solo cups under a single cfl" growers. I hate to say it, but its proceeded in the way that most forum websites do.


Well-Known Member
I never like to touch the buds while the plant is still growing.I was told the oils on ur hands will kill the bud you touch.Is there any truth to it??
LOL it's not going to die. But why grope them in the first place? Who would squeeze their strawberries while their still growing. There is no scientific fact in human hand oils being deadly to growing plants


Global Moderator
Staff member
This site helped me tenfold when I first joined. I remember a time when growers would only pass on factual information, and more times than not back it up with a source/link full of pages of great reading material. At the same time, if someone was not sure of what they were talking about, or couldnt find articles to back their theories up, they would keep their mouths shut. Plain and simple. More and more now I am seeing these know-it-all, all mighty, "I am on my first harvest growing bagseed in solo cups under a single cfl" growers. I hate to say it, but its proceeded in the way that most forum websites do.
There has been trolls here for as long as I've been here.
Perhaps is due to winter driving the kids in off the playground & onto the computers.

robert 14617

Well-Known Member
I never like to touch the buds while the plant is still growing.I was told the oils on ur hands will kill the bud you touch.Is there any truth to it??
my mom told my i would go blind if i kept touching mine , i told her i would stop just as soon as i needed glasses ;-)