Is it dead?

Looks alive to me, just super stretchy and looks like a fans blowing right on it

Lower the light
And move it away from whatever wind source is pushing it over
There’s no wind at all it’s inside a dome but when I look at the root. It’s white but near the stem it’s brown Nd skinny
There’s no wind at all it’s inside a dome but when I look at the root. It’s white but near the stem it’s brown Nd skinny
Well, it wouldn't be perking up if it was dead, but I'd lower the light and put it directly above your plant.
Something is pushing it over though...
Don't mess with your next one so much! They are very sensitive when they're small! Just let it go!
See what happened was it was going fine but I took the lid off and the next day it was kelt over so the medium I’ve showed u, I cut it and put the seedling in it that’s why it was open it didn’t survive.... question tho.... do u use a propagator?