Answers inconclusive? Excuse me/us, but I'm gonna have to say that if and when you've already posted a thread about said issue, and got your answers and the most possible accurate help there is available, really - please be content with that.
The sex won't magically change, and no more experienced users will suddenly think "Oh, he asked twice - perhaps I'll give him a real answer now that I see him making an effort trying to find out". That's not how this and RIU works. I'm fairly new here - but experienced users - they will find your post, the original one, and they will most definitely help out as well as possible.
But as long as pistils aren't visible, the white hairs, we can only express (educated) guessed. Personally I'd say there's a big chance that it might be a female, but it wouldn't surprise me if it started making "balls" and turning male.
My tip: Listen to what the guys told you in the original (as well as this thread).
Have a good grow, and good luck to you.