Is it gana get to warm?


Active Member
Ok so i just bought a 400w hps and was looking at putting it into my closet wich is 3 feet wide 4 feet long and 8 feet tall. Now the problem is the only form of colling in that closet will be 1 stand up fan like you see at wallmart and a air filter system that works abit as a fan and removes the smell from the air. So my question is will it cook my plants or will it be fine the room is currently 70-75 with 6 26watt cfls but is close to that with them off or on anyway. Any feedback and advice would be greatly apriciated but i am on really tight budget so i cant afford installing vents ect. shit just adding this but by air filter i mean a purafier no vents ect just pushes the air in the room around alot and cleans it. (carbon filter)


Well-Known Member
Closet size is pretty good, leave the door open while you can? when lights are on..

Can you cut a hole in the ceiling/top of closet? if not what about at the Top but on the side? other than that do you have any space/boarding above the Door? could maybe run ducting to a Vent...but DO need to vent Old-stale-Air and replace with Fresh Air somehow...Least ya Closet is plenty Big(depends how many you gonna do) Thumbs up for checking on Temps and being observant before you change things...




Well-Known Member
If you are renting go buy an old door and modify it with a 2 x 4 inch holes in the bottom and one 6 inch at the top with the fan attached to the door top allows for good venting


Well-Known Member
You need a way to get some ventilation in there. An HPS produces a lot of heat. You cant clean the air in the room by just circulating it or pushing it around. Can you cut a hole in the wall to allow that hot air to escape? A small exhaust fan with some ducting would work wonders. Can you post a picture of your setup?


Active Member
i like the idea of buying a old door but i am brake right now more then less i was wondering if i open the door for a hour or 2 during the lights on cycle of that would be enofe to cool it down the room is liked to a mid size bedroom with lots of windows and in the summer were looking at putting in a air conditioner right next to the closet. Also if you dont mind me asking with no vents what kinda temp change can i expect assuming the door is opend every few hours for fresh air? Also in terms of how many plants i am planning on 1-2 plants in that space with the 400w hps so i dont know if that effect how much air flow i need or not eather.


Well-Known Member
well if you have the door shut theres no place for the hot air to go, so even if you have a fan in there and open it up a few times a day during the light cycle, the temperature between you opening the door is going to rise... and pretty fast probably less than 30 minutes to get the temp up so unless you can open the door a few times an hour most likely going to have temp problems.. do what the others have said either cut a hole inside the closet somewhere and blow all your hot air into it (ceiling space, wall space, etc) anything you can make a hole in and route hot air through and away from your closet will suffice.


Active Member
i rent so other then cutting up the door i am pritty fucked in terms of the heat problem um would a 250w bulb have the same problems or would it be able to work in a closed eviroment like that more similar to my cfls that hardly move the temp of the room?


Well-Known Member
pop the door off the hinges then get a dummy door that you can modify, shit you could use a piece of rigid foam board with hinges probably

if you don't take care of heat issues you're in for nothing but problems


Active Member
no the best i could do it leave the door open for the on time and then close it for the dark period. but i am worried as i use the room its attached to and i am gussing the glare from hps is bad for your eyes at prolonged exposure?


Well-Known Member
How about take the door off(No damage to Property) then bite the bullet and Buy some Good quality(Thick 600d?)Mylar OR (Cheap Panda Film, but would have to double up) cut this sheet(Mylar/Panda Film)to fit to the door frame...attach Velcro to door frame and Velcro to Edge of DOOR sized mylar sheet then attach sheet to door frame..Job done...I still think this was the best Answer by ~

If you are renting go buy an old door and modify it with a 2 x 4 inch holes in the bottom and one 6 inch at the top with the fan attached to the door top allows for good venting
If you broke, just keep opening door(ajar) every couple hours or whatever, and save for a spare door to do the above^^^ fix..or sell summat n go get door from local hardware store 2moz...depends on how much you want it to be a success, every problem has a solution...I rent and have not damaged my Property..

My Inlet for GR3 ~

Window Cover Shot_06.jpg Window Cover Shot_09.jpg no4.jpg

And above my Bedroom Door is a Glass panel which I'm going to pop out(and save) and board it up and vent the Warm(Cleaned) air into my hallway(Free Heat!!)




Well-Known Member
If you are renting go buy an old door and modify it with a 2 x 4 inch holes in the bottom and one 6 inch at the top with the fan attached to the door top allows for good venting
Good Simple Advice...will pop back and Rep..being as though I have to "You must spread some Rep" bloody daft msg...I wanna Rep now!!


God Damn!! How LOOOOooong before I can + Rep vostok...


Active Member
i think i am gana try for the door mod and just open the door till i can afford the stuff for it thx for all the advice guys.


Well-Known Member
Ok so i just bought a 400w hps and was looking at putting it into my closet wich is 3 feet wide 4 feet long and 8 feet tall. Now the problem is the only form of colling in that closet will be 1 stand up fan like you see at wallmart and a air filter system that works abit as a fan and removes the smell from the air. So my question is will it cook my plants or will it be fine the room is currently 70-75 with 6 26watt cfls but is close to that with them off or on anyway. Any feedback and advice would be greatly apriciated but i am on really tight budget so i cant afford installing vents ect. shit just adding this but by air filter i mean a purafier no vents ect just pushes the air in the room around alot and cleans it. (carbon filter)
use a air cooled reflector keeps temp way low