is it hermie? and wtf is that?


Active Member
the first 2 photos are from the same plant,and that ball is grow low down at the center stem. is it possible to be bananas?

the last 2 photos are from my other plant and i am not sure wtf is that grow side by side with calyx? is not like ball.

is it possible to be hermie?



Active Member
thanks my friend. i have one other plant that im sure that is hermie and have something like ragby ball. tomorow i will upload photos from that plant but in these photos the ball hasnt the same type.


Well-Known Member
Then it may be a femal plant that isnt showing its pistils yet. I willl wait 4 ur photos, but in the meantime try searching pre-flowers, it may give u a better understanding.


Well-Known Member
thats a good picture it shows a perfect male preflower on one side and a perfect female preflower on the other side. i had a plant that wasfrom a femenized seed and it grew one male preflower so i picked it off and the next one to come was a female preflower. wwas it a "female" seed? funny how the term 100% female seed doesnt actually meen 100
female seed