Is it illegal for kids to make their own alcohol?


Well-Known Member
I know it's illegal for kids under 21 to buy alcohol, but can they brew it and get wasted? what if their drinking homebrew is that still a problem? I don't care it was just a thought.


Active Member
im pretty sure thats a big YES to getting in trouble if not more trouble??? hmmm very creative thinking though.


bud bootlegger
i'm pretty sure it's against the law for a minor to even be in possession of booze beardo.. ever hear of parents having a party at their house and then the cops show up, and all of the underage kids get busted for underage drinking.. no buying included what so ever.. yah, i'm fairly confident in saying that underage kids can't touch alcohol at all..


Well-Known Member
certified alcohol server here.

in MY state:

a kid can help his father make homebrew, but not do it for himself
a kid over 16 can sell beer and wine if it's at his father's convenience store. or liquor if his family owns a licensed liquor store.
a kid can be in possesion of alcohol if he's helping his parents carry groceries and only if the seal hasn't been broken.

that's about the only time people under 21 can have alcohol. and never EVER an open container or serving unless you are 21 or over.


Well-Known Member
Ill say this you have some very interesting thoughts going through your sure its illegal for kids to brew beer....


Well-Known Member
What about just brewing in general when you're under the legal age to drink?

I'm guessing that would be fine.

Steve French

Well-Known Member
Reminds me of when I was a young lad and made Kool-Aid wine in my closet. Tastes better then the stuff you buy off the shelf. Made some beer too. Sometimes it was a better option to make the stuff yourself then to pay a bum to go in and buy it for you.


Active Member
Not that I drink or consider myself an advocate for alcohol but seeing as college kids just don't give a fuck, we oughta take the drinking age back down to 18.

tip top toker

Well-Known Member
It's legal at 18 here, by that thinking we should lower ours to 15 or 16, because all the 14 year olds are already getting pissed up every week as it is. While i don't agree with prohibition and restriction on the whole, alcohol is an absolute and totally royal fuck up of society, the UK youth is just fucked.