Is it just me or is this(pics) F#@KING SHWAG?!?!?!

How many times, and in how many different posts, do I need to say I DO NOT BLAME MY GIRLFRIEND. You guys need to work on your listening skills for real. I said we disagreed on whether or not this bag was shwag, that's all. And again, I WOULD HAVE SAID NO HAD I BEEN THERE, ugh I just can't say it enough... :wall:

Watch it mister or i'll neg rep ya & leave growtechs name :lol: Im kidding of course.

My bad on the girlfriend tip,the way i read the post you were pissed at everybody,no offense :blsmoke:
Maybe I should have clarified here a little more. I CAN get better ganja for the same price if not lower in the area, that is the reason I feel ripped off. I EXPECTED the same quality bud from this dealer as I do from the rest. I COULDN'T turn it down because I wasn't there (still not blaming my girl), and I had no way of knowing it was going to be a bag of shake. If I would have known the stuff wasn't up to par, I would have bought some elsewhere.

Plain and simple, I am mad because this bag is not as good as one I could have bought for the same price. Therefore: I was ripped off. Make sense everyone?

To all of the dealers that tell their customers to fuck off when they criticize their pot, you are all awful businessmen. You are wrong, the dealer does need the customer, fucking duh. The problem is most people are pussies and won't complain when they should, giving the dealer the impression that he is in absolute control. In reality, the dealer ain't shit without his customers.

Two last questions: what the fuck is wrong with wanting to feel like you got your money's worth? Don't you dealers WANT your customers to be satisfied, knowing that they will thank you graciously and return to bring you more business? Telling people to fuck off when you are breaking the law for a living doesn't make much sense to me either...
well there is nothing wrong with feeling like you got your moneys worth when i sold i was sure to hook everyone up as best i could because you do get a good feeling out of keeping your customers happy and as for telling customers to fuck off its all about how you approch ppl, if you bought weed from me and came back and said that shit was weak i would probably cut you off but if you came back and bought another bag and sat withme and we burned than you politly say that the last bag wasnt that great i may be willing to work with you but a lot of ppl are like you and think you matter as a customer than get all cocky about it and who wants to deal with that week after week, thair are plenty of customers out ther and the dealer doesn't need someone who buys a little eighth now and then and bitches about it, you take care of your regulars. thats the truth you realy don't matter as much as you think. your situation is difrnt cause you wern't their but generaly speaking this is how shit works, dn't sit there and tell sumone who sold for as long as i did how shit works you dn't know whats goin on on the dealers side dnt act like you do.

do you tell your mechanic how to fix your car or the electrician how to do his job. i was just stating facts.... respect your dealer and he will respect you
like i said your situation is difrnt but i was kinda talking to all the ppl that been sayin how horrible the prices were and all that shit, well yea you got a beat sack but as for the priceing its normal to pay 40-65 an eighth depending on quality thats all i was trying to get accross and once again from sumone who sold weed for over 10 years you are not important as a customer unless your regularly buying weight not just an eighth but maybe a half a week or an oz a week thats the important guy not mister can i get an eighth this one time, suck it up take the loss and buy from sumone els. the aversge dealer really doesn't make a huge chunk of cash espetially if they smoke weed so give em a break, it's a stressfull jobwhen your livin the life, you take amazing risks, ive been jumped on several occasions throughout the years held at gunpoint robbed arrested bottles broken over the head, its a real risk to sell weed you got beat you have reason to be upset but at least you didn't have a gun pointing at your balls chances are your dealer has or will one day so take it easy realize the risk stop thinking like a total douche

i love you, dnt take this post the wrong way i dnt mean to sound as if im attacking you, im just trying to get a point accross and that point is dnt listen to a bunch of internet boardies, respect your dealer he doesn't need your drama and won't put up with it if he doesn't have to
Watch it mister or i'll neg rep ya & leave growtechs name :lol: Im kidding of course.

My bad on the girlfriend tip,the way i read the post you were pissed at everybody,no offense :blsmoke:

Haha oh man, I was on my way to pissed until I finished that first sentence hahaha. I don't blame you for the confusion, everyone keeps posting that they can't believe I bitched her out, and I'm thinking "where in the hell did you guys get that from?" People make shit up and then others take their information from them, its a vicious cycle. I've been bitching about mis-information on this site for months, a few bad apples really do ruin this site for everyone else...

Oh and it probably is my fault as well. I'm kind of a hot head, and when I get mad it seems like I'm pissed at everyone in my path. Not the case though, I assure you most of the anger people feel from my direction is just me venting. I apologize for it all the time, its something I really need to work on. Now, if I was really pissed, you'd know, last guy that pissed me off got his eye socket collapsed... oops.
well there is nothing wrong with feeling like you got your moneys worth when i sold i was sure to hook everyone up as best i could because you do get a good feeling out of keeping your customers happy and as for telling customers to fuck off its all about how you approch ppl, if you bought weed from me and came back and said that shit was weak i would probably cut you off but if you came back and bought another bag and sat withme and we burned than you politly say that the last bag wasnt that great i may be willing to work with you but a lot of ppl are like you and think you matter as a customer than get all cocky about it and who wants to deal with that week after week, thair are plenty of customers out ther and the dealer doesn't need someone who buys a little eighth now and then and bitches about it, you take care of your regulars. thats the truth you realy don't matter as much as you think. your situation is difrnt cause you wern't their but generaly speaking this is how shit works, dn't sit there and tell sumone who sold for as long as i did how shit works you dn't know whats goin on on the dealers side dnt act like you do.

do you tell your mechanic how to fix your car or the electrician how to do his job. i was just stating facts.... respect your dealer and he will respect you
like i said your situation is difrnt but i was kinda talking to all the ppl that been sayin how horrible the prices were and all that shit, well yea you got a beat sack but as for the priceing its normal to pay 40-65 an eighth depending on quality thats all i was trying to get accross and once again from sumone who sold weed for over 10 years you are not important as a customer unless your regularly buying weight not just an eighth but maybe a half a week or an oz a week thats the important guy not mister can i get an eighth this one time, suck it up take the loss and buy from sumone els. the aversge dealer really doesn't make a huge chunk of cash espetially if they smoke weed so give em a break, it's a stressfull jobwhen your livin the life, you take amazing risks, ive been jumped on several occasions throughout the years held at gunpoint robbed arrested bottles broken over the head, its a real risk to sell weed you got beat you have reason to be upset but at least you didn't have a gun pointing at your balls chances are your dealer has or will one day so take it easy realize the risk stop thinking like a total douche

i love you, dnt take this post the wrong way i dnt mean to sound as if im attacking you, im just trying to get a point accross and that point is dnt listen to a bunch of internet boardies, respect your dealer he doesn't need your drama and won't put up with it if he doesn't have to

Dude trust me, I'm not all cocky with dealers, I just think its BS I have to put up with their shitty bags just because other people fear them. I'm not afraid at all to tell someone their bud is overpriced. As a matter of fact, I had a dealer that's a friend of mine knock 10 bucks off of his price for an eighth because I told him it wasn't worth the price, and others felt the same way. Good for him, he's a good business man that keeps his customers coming back. Its funny you mentioned the electrician analogy, because I am going to be an electronics tech in about 5 months. Trust me, if I did a shitty job for someone I would be more than happy to help them out. If I were a mechanic the same is true. I would stand by my work, and if I did rip someone off I would try to make it right. Oh and I don't usually only buy eighths, I usually buy it by the half ounce, seems to be the best bang for your buck around here without spending your rent. I usually get a half o of very decent buds for 130, thats why I got so mad. I'm not stupid and I know the market in my area. That bag just wasn't what I'm used to, thats all. I completely understand where you are coming from on this one. The difference is, you sound like you know what you're doing. That I respect, and you would probably give me no reason to bitch. The dealer I'm pissed at on the other hand, deserves no respect, only criticisms, he's a bitch and I'm not the only one that thinks so.

One more thing I just was thinking about, really all that violence just over some weed? WTF dude you have to find a new supplier. I run into those gangster pot dealers that act like they're selling guns or crack or some shit all the time. They never get any of my business, no matter how good the deal. I don't like buying medicine from someone I don't even feel safe around.
Dude trust me, I'm not all cocky with dealers, I just think its BS I have to put up with their shitty bags just because other people fear them. I'm not afraid at all to tell someone their bud is overpriced. As a matter of fact, I had a dealer that's a friend of mine knock 10 bucks off of his price for an eighth because I told him it wasn't worth the price, and others felt the same way. Good for him, he's a good business man that keeps his customers coming back. Its funny you mentioned the electrician analogy, because I am going to be an electronics tech in about 5 months. Trust me, if I did a shitty job for someone I would be more than happy to help them out. If I were a mechanic the same is true. I would stand by my work, and if I did rip someone off I would try to make it right. Oh and I don't usually only buy eighths, I usually buy it by the half ounce, seems to be the best bang for your buck around here without spending your rent. I usually get a half o of very decent buds for 130, thats why I got so mad. I'm not stupid and I know the market in my area. That bag just wasn't what I'm used to, thats all. I completely understand where you are coming from on this one. The difference is, you sound like you know what you're doing. That I respect, and you would probably give me no reason to bitch. The dealer I'm pissed at on the other hand, deserves no respect, only criticisms, he's a bitch and I'm not the only one that thinks so.

One more thing I just was thinking about, really all that violence just over some weed? WTF dude you have to find a new supplier. I run into those gangster pot dealers that act like they're selling guns or crack or some shit all the time. They never get any of my business, no matter how good the deal. I don't like buying medicine from someone I don't even feel safe around.
well my original post was ment for the guy i quoted who was so upsett with prices and i dnt deal anymore all that violence bullshit its not like i went out looking for it and never delt with so called gangsters its just something you run accross in the bizzness when you been doin it for a long time ppl suck they see you with sumthin and they want it but dn't wanna work for it or your skin is the wrong color to be walkin through a neighborhood or a million things that you cant control
and your damn streight you would be happy with one of my sacks///jk, wait no you really would.

so anyhoo you have probably smoked it all and it doesn't really matter anymore but now you have the choice to never get shit from that person again and i would hook you up if you came at me right too but meh im done i guess, think i will smoke on my bubbler for awhile and finish up work for the day