is it just me?


Active Member
Or is LSD drying up? I live in the 3rd or 4th largest city that connects east and west and everything in between! Everything you can imagine rolls threw in waves, but recently acid just isn't one. Last time I dosed was at powellpalooza from some whack ass hippy I took two even after he advised 1 and I barely felt shit and even then I think it was the Molly I took with it I.brought from home. Someone help a guy out where is this shit hiding? By no means do I do this a lot when it finds me I take it as a notion. Buy some and take it on road trips extra sunny nice days Ect

Just wanted to open discussion! ;)
you dont find Lucy she finds you

but honestly its around

eveeeerywhere i cant get it right now

but i still know its around
I'm just thinking out loud driving in a car for 25 hours I mean out man :) how many people in the world do you honestly have that legit LSD-25 cookbook? I think.its 25, right?
the legit cooks dont neeed nooo boooks !


id hope theyd follow along the multi step process and make sure they aren't mixing up the wrong shit at the wrong time the wrong way

^^^ This is the most clandestine setup one can maintain when trying to cook up LSD in a rogue environment. But, as many people who know what good LSD is all about. It takes precision, patience, and most of important of all elite mother fucking equipment. You're going to need more then some gallon jugs and tweezers to come up with an array of LSD that exits as softly as it first entered your 5HT2 Circuitry. ;)
Ah thanks for stopping by guys you have no idea how boring it is in a car for 25 hours... It's odd I've always found your ways of describing things inspirational, tell me Ndanger how did you become such a writer/storyteller? But back to the topic on hand I'm thinking, since i have such negative feeling towards booms and LSD isn't flowing much these days I think a dmt extraction is soon to be again, my buddy was doing it with consistent results but of course his gf moved in and shut that down fast.. sigh I've got thus Wierd obstructed feeling inside myself, like I'm loosing contact with that side of me. Like I'm conforming from the lack of any dmt/LSD stimulation. You have no idea how much I dream of walking threw moab, golden cathedral, or zions blasted with a few of the war veterans ;) I've been tripping with the same 3 guys and 2 girls since 9th grade ha.
As your signature implies. I too am a fictitious character. I'm a hermit so storytelling comes naturally. JK! :lol:

I get out. Explore and question things. I don't always arrive at the same conclusions or begin drawing the same line from one point of origin.

I learn to adapt and try to get inside peoples head (event though it may be crafted out of stubbornness or gluttony), I find a way and a positive means at that! ;)

You seem to be in a runt, spiritually wise. LSD allows you to question but doesn't form answers. LSD certainly runs in small circles and if you're not in that circle it seems almost impossible to get. Psychedelics tend to rewire minds. It's a life long lesson which never seems complete, unless you try to reach out and fill that gaping hole. One day the awesome chivalry of Needlepoint will come bumping paths when you least expect it! ;)
the legit cooks dont neeed nooo boooks !

seems my statement was met with confusion

my statement that legit cooks dont need books is thsi

if your cooking cid and need to refer to a book every 10 seconds

theres a problem sir

my statement was meant to say this

the real cooks arent looking at the books cause its in their head

but yes i agree if someone is new and cooking

they should have books to know waht they are doing

my statement was as this

if their a legit cook they aint reading any book

the equipment is harder to get then the knowledge

the knowledge is just chemistry

i jsut dont want people to think i was saying ALL cooks dont use books

im saying the LEGIT COOKS dont NEED

of course anyone can use a book

but they dont need em

  • You seem to be in a runt, spiritually wise. LSD allows you to question but doesn't form answers. LSD certainly runs in small circles and if you not in that circle it seems almost impossible to get. Psychedelics tend to rewire minds. It's a life long lesson which never seems complete, unless you try to reach out and fill that gaping hole. One day the awesome chivalry of Needlepoint will come bumping paths when you least expect it!​

Yes! I find that LSD never gives me the answers, but gives me a whole spectrum of new questions that build on top of my previous experience. Each time I do it is like a new level.
Whenever I get my hopes down though those darn alex greys always come in somehow.. Its odd how Ive gotten those like 3 waves in a row.
Now my hopes are up because I know I'll get it soon, but will I not get it until my hopes are down? It always reassures me that me being down about it is retarded when I do it because I learn that its not all that special, just mroe questions.. Like a fucking episode of lost. Dont get me wrong I love LSD but jesus nowadays I really only use it too have fun with friends unless I trip by myself which is a rare occasion
I had a dream recently and in the dream was obtained plain white blotter recently in the Midwest USA that was clean and potent. As clean as anything I saw in Berkeley in the 80s. I'm hoping to have the dream again.
Yes! I find that LSD never gives me the answers, but gives me a whole spectrum of new questions that build on top of my previous experience. Each time I do it is like a new level.
Whenever I get my hopes down though those darn alex greys always come in somehow.. Its odd how Ive gotten those like 3 waves in a row.
Now my hopes are up because I know I'll get it soon, but will I not get it until my hopes are down? It always reassures me that me being down about it is retarded when I do it because I learn that its not all that special, just mroe questions.. Like a fucking episode of lost. Dont get me wrong I love LSD but jesus nowadays I really only use it too have fun with friends unless I trip by myself which is a rare occasion

Those impervious Alex Grey Blotters. They pack a punch. Some batches better then others. Some carry a load. Nothing like the WoW though. :D
the last time i dropped i took one pink elephant blotter and almost had a bad trip it was pretty crazy, ive heard of the liquid goin around in vials right now tho
you dont find Lucy she finds you

Lets hope she looks a bit harder. My seeker phase slowly being chipped away by the burgeoning weight of the everyday world and a society bent on accumulating "stuff" instead of experiences. This crappy old video gets me every time:

So just look at her. Total immersion. Total honesty. No pretense. In that moment she just...Is. Sigh...

Dont forget us Lucy. Look harder for the people who need you to open the door. We'll walk through!