Is it legal for cops to lie?

Ya the brain is the most dangerous weapon. The best thing to do is keep quite and jst wait for a chance to speak with a lawyer. It sucks esp when they are violating ur rights, but in the end they'll regret it.
Oh so true. But I speak up in those rights. NO! You can not enter my car!!! NO! You can violate my effects!!! DUDE! CAN I GO NOW!


New Member
How do I legally fight a dog alerting on your car followed by the impending methodical dis-assembly?

edit: What happens if I politely refuse to acknowledge that I understand my Miranda's?

Am I guaranteed a trial by my peers?

Can I pick my peers by voting?
LMAO. If they got a warrant for search and seizure there's not much you can do in that respect. If they search the outside of the car like they've done to me I always role up my windows and lock the car when step out of the vehicle. You're always guaranteed a trial by your peers. But they arent your peers! :-) If you don't understand your Miranda rights then there's some things that need to be sorted out.


New Member
Who are my peers?
What if my peers found me not guilty?

Really. think about it.
What would happen if I politely refuse to acknowledge that I understand my Miranda's?

Will I be beaten or killed?
Can municipalities make money from Reefer tickets?
How much money can they make?
Can that number be changed?


Well-Known Member
How do I legally fight a dog alerting on your car followed by the impending methodical dis-assembly?
edit: What happens if I politely refuse to acknowledge that I understand my Miranda's?Can I pick my peers by voting?
U R an American Citizen, U always have rights even if guilty! If u don't understand your rights they will be re-explained and then they will ask what confuses u? Don't mess around! Cops beat and shoot innocent people all the time!
I do believe that if it goes to court your lawyer(s) can remove certain members of the jury that they don't want there.
Well a trial by one's peers I believe was created long ago to be a trial by the people of a persons order, a religion, something like that. Nowadays in the U.S. It's a jury of your peers. Which just means a jury of the commoners. Private citizens.


the fifth amendmant is a beautiful thing

you dont have to say anything ( a polite hello is always suggested)

you don have to open the door to a knock and talk (self incrimination)

i LOVE it


New Member
Will a prosecuting attorney throw the misdemeanor book at me if I wait to say anything at all to the cops until I talk to my public defender?

How do I make sure I am not inadvertently charged with a felony?


Well-Known Member
by paying attention and asking questions.. most cops will let you know if you're being charged with a felony or not.. and in court they'll tell you if it's a felony charge... and it's always good to do your own researchon whatever you're being charged with


New Member
Does no one know how best to sniff out an undercover cop?

How do I make sure I am not inadvertently charged with a felony?

Why do cops like charging uninformed 420 folks with felonies so much?

Not that they necessarily enjoy enforcing laws they don't agree with.