Is it legal to buy seeds


Well-Known Member
If you live in the uk then you are allowed by law to own has many femanised cannabis seeds has possible.Hemp is sold by the bag loads in fishing tackle shops these are meant to be put under a realy hot oven to stop them germanating.I last year was fishing a local river and a dropped loads of the stuff every cast.When i went back a month later i swear that there was at least 15 plants all about 3 ft tall looked the buissness.But fishermen boil it first this was from the bottom of a bag that i use what had not been boiled.out of the 15 plants 6 were females and were not bad for a pound for about 200 thousand seeds.The rest was males so i pulled them i got of one plant 1 and harf pound forgot the total weight but it was big.


Medical Marijuana (MOD)
most anything is legal to buy its when being use is when its against the law pending on your laws in your state

Brick Top

New Member
Well can you get a charge from trying to buy them??

If you order beans and they are confiscated by Customs you never possessed them so you cannot be charged with possession of beans.
If you paid with a credit card you can claim identity theft and that is hard to be disproved unless your computer were to be seized and a history of the transaction were to be found but they cannot get a warrant to do that just because beans were found by Customs.
If you used snail mail and a money order they cannot prove anything since it is not like a seedbank keeps your money order so they could then send it or a copy and if they could get a copy through whatever source you purchased it from all you need to do is when you sign it sign it in a different way than you normally sign things so the signatures do not match and if need be you can claim someone else used your name and address or someone else used your name and the seedbank got the shipping address wrong.

But again just because Customs find beans that does not instantly give anyone the legal authority to do the tracing and tracking and obtaining of things that would be needed for those sorts of things.

Also in the case of a money order as long as your shipping address is correct on your order you can use any other info on the money order itself. You can sign it Emily Rugburn if you want and it will still be able to be deposited by the seedbank.
If say you made a major order and many, many beans were confiscated by Customs and it appeared you may be a professional cash cropper possibly they might alert someone in your area to then keep an eye on you and someone might use any methods they can that do not need a judge’s ok to use in hopes of finding enough to then get a judge’s approval to do more but that is not going to happen for average sized orders and is extremely unlikely to ever happen for any normal sized/average order.
Between myself and friends I could not begin to guess how many orders we have placed over the years and every single one has passed through Customs without a hitch and of those who have posted messages that I have seen about receiving the dreaded letter saying your bean were confiscated I have yet to see one where the person later said LEO showed up at their door.
Don’t worry. Pick a quality seedbank and if they offer guaranteed shipping throw the extra bucks for it, it is worth it just in case. That way if you are the one in a million, or whatever, whose order is confiscated you will not lose out.
If you order beans and they are confiscated by Customs you never possessed them so you cannot be charged with possession of beans.
If you paid with a credit card you can claim identity theft and that is hard to be disproved unless your computer were to be seized and a history of the transaction were to be found but they cannot get a warrant to do that just because beans were found by Customs.

If you used snail mail and a money order they cannot prove anything since it is not like a seedbank keeps your money order so they could then send it or a copy and if they could get a copy through whatever source you purchased it from all you need to do is when you sign it sign it in a different way than you normally sign things so the signatures do not match and if need be you can claim someone else used your name and address or someone else used your name and the seedbank got the shipping address wrong.

But again just because Customs find beans that does not instantly give anyone the legal authority to do the tracing and tracking and obtaining of things that would be needed for those sorts of things.

Also in the case of a money order as long as your shipping address is correct on your order you can use any other info on the money order itself. You can sign it Emily Rugburn if you want and it will still be able to be deposited by the seedbank.
If say you made a major order and many, many beans were confiscated by Customs and it appeared you may be a professional cash cropper possibly they might alert someone in your area to then keep an eye on you and someone might use any methods they can that do not need a judge’s ok to use in hopes of finding enough to then get a judge’s approval to do more but that is not going to happen for average sized orders and is extremely unlikely to ever happen for any normal sized/average order.
Between myself and friends I could not begin to guess how many orders we have placed over the years and every single one has passed through Customs without a hitch and of those who have posted messages that I have seen about receiving the dreaded letter saying your bean were confiscated I have yet to see one where the person later said LEO showed up at their door.
Don’t worry. Pick a quality seedbank and if they offer guaranteed shipping throw the extra bucks for it, it is worth it just in case. That way if you are the one in a million, or whatever, whose order is confiscated you will not lose out.
Hey thx alot. That was really helpful and I see your point. That brings us to the next question. :eyesmoke:

How long are the seeds good for?

robert 14617

Well-Known Member
my first order ever was taken, it took a wile before i ordered again, i have had 4 orders come in with out any problems

robert 14617

Well-Known Member
attitude ,marijuana seeds nl,dr.cronic once his seeds came in crushed ,still looking for my order from nirvana