Is it not weird....


Well-Known Member
Don't you think it's a little weird once bush was voted out of the white house how gas went way way down, Does anyone have any clue what happend to the extra tax money that was paid on all those gallons purchased went to?:shock:


Well-Known Member
actually, it's cause of wall st...the speculators are out of business at the moment...don't worry they'll be back....


Well-Known Member
yeah gas isn't going to stay cheap for that long. When/if our economy starts to recover gas will go straight back up to 4 dollars a gallon


Well-Known Member
im my country gas went down to $1 for liter.

gas were 25cents expensiver fief weeks ago.


Well-Known Member
it has nothing to do with case you didnt notice, we're having sortve an economic meltdown at the moment...the current gas prices are a result of that