Is it ok if I dont give a shit?

You do realize that he gives absolutely no benefits to these people other than a "were not going to deport you today letter"...

These people are working and paying their taxes already and not receiving any of the benefits we do. For example I know someone who has been here for 25 years and paid all their taxes and contributes to the economy but can't get welfare if he loses his job. It is a bunch of bullshit to think that just because your born somewhere that you don't deserve basic human rights.

You don't know what you are talking about.

Obama's EO gives illegal aliens the right to work permits and a SS #

The majority of these illegals you are referring to pay no income taxes, as do 47% of the workforce but they will be eligible for government freebies like earned income credits and child tax credits.
When you say they pay taxes and don't reap the benefits, you're wrong agin.
The taxes these illegals pay are sales taxes payroll and excise taxes and yes they do reap the benefits of what they pay into.
You don't know what you are talking about.

Obama's EO gives illegal aliens the right to work permits and a SS #

The majority of these illegals you are referring to pay no income taxes, as do 47% of the workforce but they will be eligible for government freebies like earned income credits and child tax credits.
When you say they pay taxes and don't reap the benefits, you're wrong agin.
The taxes these illegals pay are sales taxes payroll and excise taxes and yes they do reap the benefits of what they pay into.

not only completely false, beenthere, but also quite the meltdown.

if you would like to post come citations in a lame attempt to back up your lies, this is your time to do it. i will laugh when you cite FAIR related hate groups, because they are the only ones who are spewing the same racist shit that you are.
not only completely false, beenthere, but also quite the meltdown.

if you would like to post come citations in a lame attempt to back up your lies, this is your time to do it. i will laugh when you cite FAIR related hate groups, because they are the only ones who are spewing the same racist shit that you are.
If you claim it's false then back it up
If you claim it's false then back it up

that's not how burden of proof works, beenthere.

you made a claim, now you get to back it up.

that which can be asserted without evidence can also be dismissed without evidence.

so until you present the first iota of evidence, then you are dismissed.