Is it ok to cut shade leaves off to let plant flower better?

Well I did it! My Indica Blueberry was a THICK bush...colas are forming, rain is coming...

I did it for air flow...guess we will see...

Before and after pics...the frame is my wet weather cover...will be sheeting it with plastic today too...

The before pic was actually taken about 3 weeks ago...

20170906_132149.jpg 20170916_143338.jpg
Well I did it! My Indica Blueberry was a THICK bush...colas are forming, rain is coming...

I did it for air flow...guess we will see...

Before and after pics...the frame is my wet weather cover...will be sheeting it with plastic today too...

The before pic was actually taken about 3 weeks ago...

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Well I did it! My Indica Blueberry was a THICK bush...colas are forming, rain is coming...

I did it for air flow...guess we will see...

Before and after pics...the frame is my wet weather cover...will be sheeting it with plastic today too...

The before pic was actually taken about 3 weeks ago...

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Sorry for your loss. She was a beautiful girl.
Well I did it! My Indica Blueberry was a THICK bush...colas are forming, rain is coming...

I did it for air flow...guess we will see...

Before and after pics...the frame is my wet weather cover...will be sheeting it with plastic today too...

The before pic was actually taken about 3 weeks ago...

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You neighbours must be thinking WTF too...
Time will tell...I will re visit this post after harvest for an update as to whether it was beneficial, detrimental or neither!


We already know the outcome. You'll harvest bud, but not the same as if you left her alone.
Quick simple version copy/paste for ya

Leaves do
this by using sunlight for energy to take apart water from the ground and carbon dioxide from the air. Leaves use parts of water and carbon dioxide to make sugar. This food making is called photosynthesis, a large word which means making something new (synthesis) using light (photo).

Sound like removal will make a plant function better?

You took away most of you're processing power when you are about to finish the game.
Ohh man that was quite the trim. A good rule of thumb is to never cut off more than 25% of the plants total foliage. Trimming makes the plant grow better but if you cut it that much it will think its under attack and it will stress it out.
Ohh man that was quite the trim. A good rule of thumb is to never cut off more than 25% of the plants total foliage. Trimming makes the plant grow better but if you cut it that much it will think its under attack and it will stress it out.

No, that was quite the defoliation. The precise thing you kept saying to do. Hence, why people were correcting you.
didnt say every hippie, nobody dissin a hippie, long as youre not the one who made shit up like "snip the fan leaves near the buds for more light" "use red light to feminize seeds" "all girls want threesomes" .....
Well they use to, the girls I mean, especially after they get all perved out on the blow lol. They were the best of times, and the worst of times lol.
Ohh man that was quite the trim. A good rule of thumb is to never cut off more than 25% of the plants total foliage. Trimming makes the plant grow better but if you cut it that much it will think its under attack and it will stress it out.
If I pull 25% of my sun leaves off my plant it will grow better? Um nope, stop spreading this 1970's shit please. Perhaps indoors there may be some odd reason to pull them but I've grown outdoors for over 40 years and there is no reason to pull leaves ever. It does nothing for growth of the plant. Ask me how I know this? Because I read the bullshit that said it would make more buds and did it for years, probably lost a huge amount over those years from this fuckery. Let's see you do a side by video to show this better growth, now that would be interesting, pulling dead leaves off a plant is not lol.
Time will tell...I will re visit this post after harvest for an update as to whether it was beneficial, detrimental or neither!

Ya well at least you tried lol. That's the great thing about this plant. You can do a whole pile of shit to it and it still lives on. Yes please revisit this thread and let's us know.
I'd just like to hear the logic behind this ......LMAO ....those poor plants....I can't believe people growing outdoors especially would think removing the very thing that makes the plant grow ....will make it grow better.....once again it just shows how good weed use to be ....for people to come up with awesome shit ideas like that....I'm guna go remove half the solar panels off my barn for MORE POWA!!!!!!!