is it ok to eat shrooms wet


Well-Known Member
Don't buy wet shrooms, its a sign of bad drying and handleing, the only exception is fresh, like shop mushroom fresh.
I wouldn't worry about spores and potency, if that is an issue, you are waaaay underdoseing. Some people do have allergies to spores though.


Active Member
Haven't looked have you? Spores are easy to get because they're legal in all but three states; California, Georgia and Idaho.
Its not so much the legality, buy the suppliers. Since PF got busted and shut down, there arent as many reliable direct retailers stateside for it as there were 10 years ago. Plus, since 2008 or so, they have been illegal in the Netherlands, where the majority of the boomer operations were, so its not nearly as easy as it used to be. Last I heard, there was one or two decent retailers, but I never tried them. Seemed a bit shady.


Well-Known Member
ANC has it exacly right. Unless you have a supplier that you know directly who harvests them and gives them to you THE SAME DAY, do not buy wet mushrooms. They must be stored in a paper bag in your crisper. The weight will change drasticly over short periods of time so you don't know how much you are eating. If they are not properly stored they can quickly be a host for bacterial slime. Most of this contamination is harmless but some will cause stomach problems and some can make you very ill. Do you really want to be high and sick at the same time?

Sgt. Floyd

Well-Known Member
Its not so much the legality, buy the suppliers. Since PF got busted and shut down, there arent as many reliable direct retailers stateside for it as there were 10 years ago. Plus, since 2008 or so, they have been illegal in the Netherlands, where the majority of the boomer operations were, so its not nearly as easy as it used to be. Last I heard, there was one or two decent retailers, but I never tried them. Seemed a bit shady.
Haven't really looked than, have you? A few minutes on google will net you the name of at least a few suppliers with positive reviews from buyers in the US. I recently ordered from one that would probably be near the top of the list. Shipment arrived like clock work.