is it ok to have small light periods during the dark in flowering??

hi im new to all ths and need sum advice, i thought to get the best out of the buds the more light they get the better so i put my timer on during the nite for around 10 min at several times. am i doing the rite thing ??

pls help
hi im new to all ths and need sum advice, i thought to get the best out of the buds the more light they get the better so i put my timer on during the nite for around 10 min at several times. am i doing the rite thing ??

pls help
NO NO NO!! Dont put any light on them unless you have to. They will get stressed out.
the darker the better.:mrgreen: a little accidental light won't hurt, i.e. the moon head lights, i left my joint in the grow room need a lite:joint:
you guys want to here something weird. I am all organic. Healthy alive soil. Functioning soil food web and compost teas and b1. Well I have had to securtiy probs and have had to shut down my med grow and hide plants set back up again. The plants were moved roughly around and all. This happened twice. No hermies and no affect on yeild. I just made sure the soil stayed healthy and have b1 and liquid karma and compost teas. No probs at all. Weird huh? I think that the healthy soil helped. IDK. My yeilds do suck tho.