Is it ok to pop seeds in full sun?


Well-Known Member
Got some seedlings outside and they are stretching and falling over. Moved them back in the shade, thought they stretched to reach light?


Well-Known Member
move em back.. they can take the sun.. sometimes not the heat tho..

they are stretching to reach the light.. give it to em..

welcome to RIU as well..


Well-Known Member
To answer your questions yes you can pop seeds in the sun. Thats what the farmers do? if stem gets to long rpot and bury the stem. keepem green dirrtyd


Well-Known Member
Well that's what I was thinking, I did put dirt around em. But nit ubdersta ding why they are stretching? They are in full sun about 10 hrs a day until the shade hits em. Got some that are putting out their third set of leaves and are rather bushy already and one of them fell over as well. Earlier this winter I was trying to sprout em indoors and having problems with the stems looking like it was thinner than a hair as it was lying on it's side. Everybody told me it was stretching and not enough light. I was practically burning it up as I was browning the tips of the leaves with light. Come to find out their was worms in this all organic potting soil. Looked like little maggots, found this out by going in during the dark side of timer with a flashlight and them fuckers were eating the stems. Lost a lot of plants that way. Took the dirt and threw it away and went to freaking walmart and bought miracle grow. Lol. They look so much better and no maggot looking worms. It had been rather cool until today where it got up to 85. Looks like they grew an extra inch in 3 hrs. I'm at work now so I guess I'm gonna move em back. Would a spray of a molasses/ water mixture help em out? Think I'm going to lose one of em.

tip top toker

Well-Known Member
That's kind of how nature designed things..

You shouldn't even be contemplating whether they should be under the sun, that's how they've done it for millennia, but you should be focusing on what the tempos are. Seeds don't grow in too hot a temperature, but they're genetically designed to grow under the sun.

Is it all one strain? While stretching is typically light related, it is also a result in piss poor genetics. Some strains or phenotypes will just stretch regardless. If its whatall you have to work with, then shove a wooden kebab skewer in the ground and closely tie the stem to its with a wire wrap or such.


Well-Known Member
I guess I could get some toothpicks on em. They are not one strain, some purps, C99, holy Grail, several different landrace varieties. Got one Bhutanese that fell over but the rest of the landrace stuff from holy smokes is doing ok. But most all the c99 is falling over.

tip top toker

Well-Known Member
Yup, get some support going for them then. Not uncommon. But don't go putting them in the shade.

How much are they stretching? Got any photos?


Well-Known Member
I could give em more sunlight but would not be closer to the house. It's not like they are not getting no sun. They are in full sun until about 3:30 in the afternoon until some shade from a tree starts to get em. Even with the shade they are still getting sunlight sprinkled in on em. Last couple of years I put out about foot tall plants in the woods that got about the same amount of light and they did really well. Should I move them back in the tent since a cold front is moving in with lows on one night dipping to 39 degrees? Wished this coldness would pass, missing out on my growing season :( As far as taking pics, I'm not comfortable with that yet. Lol don't want nobody breathing down my neck if u know what I mean. This is a big stretch for me to just post on here instead of reading like I normally do.


Well-Known Member
Just prop them up with stakes. They either recover or not. I don't know if 39 is harmful or not, never grew outside.


New Member
They can live to 39 degrees, but it can stunt them a little at seedling stage. If you are offered peace of mind, then you can put in at night. In the fall, it should not matter much. I left mine outside temperature 28 degrees level last year while they were blooming, and it turned out great, just very purple, hehe.


Well-Known Member
I guess I could get some toothpicks on em. They are not one strain, some purps, C99, holy Grail, several different landrace varieties. Got one Bhutanese that fell over but the rest of the landrace stuff from holy smokes is doing ok. But most all the c99 is falling over.

What I do is when/ as soon as my babies start reaching for the light, I will carfully pry up the soil out away from the the tiny seedlings, trying not to damage the root ball, already have me a somewhat bigger pot with my soil fixed up in it, with a hole that will acomidate the seedling, carefully fit the rootball into the hole covering the entire "stem" aswell, fill in the soil around the seedling so no air pockets form, then I water with a mixture I make up that consists of vitamin b-12, b-2 & riboflavin aswell, with a ml of superthrive to a gln of phd h20. The reason I do this is to make sure they don't suffer from transplant shock. Its been working for me for years, and haven't had not 1 issue with my technique of repotting my babies. :mrgreen:
Hope that helps bro.. Dank


Well-Known Member
Speaking of "plants" making it in cooler climates. I had (during the middle of winter months) had ended up loosing my power due to a bad snow storm we had here!! At the time I had around 20 some strains going!! It was around 17* outside!! I didn't know what to do being there wasn't no juice, heat/lighting/etc'!! I guess I could've got a generator, but really didn't have the funds to do so! So all I really could think of to do was, 1 not water them that entire time, didn't want to freeze the root zone. 2 I thought maybe if I could get there containers up off the cold floor it would help also. Well I took all 20 some straiins placed them all on the kitchen table, and around on countertops around the kitchen! We ended up being without power for 2 days!! It got down to 16* inside our home!! I knew 4 sure everyone of them was going to die on me. We had to leave & get a motel being it was so cold in here. Well, when we got back home on that 2nd day I didn't really even want to look at them.. well, I couldn't believe it!! Everyone of them ended up making it, and I didn't have not 1 issue with stunting of any one plant..
Not saying that they would thrive in cold climate or anything, some strains do like a cooler climate then others, but I wouldn't suggest it.. anyways thought I would share that.. ;)