is it ok to use three 23 watt cfls to grow one plant?


ive never grew before and im wanting to know how these lights will work. one will be in the ceiling then one lamp on each side will this work?


Well-Known Member
I would suggest using more lights than just three. You want 6500k for veg and 2700k for flower. I have thirteen cfls for five plants right now and I still need more. Cfls can grow good bud, but the light doesn't penetrate as far as HID or HPS lights so the more the better.


Well-Known Member
3 lights isn't enough in my eyes...I see it as, all the time and effort to get a successful grow from start to finish to only yield so little grams due to poor lighting would be a waste. Just me though.


Well-Known Member
if thats all you have for now, use it. it will do

is it enough? depends on how much smoke you need, ;)

but, you can always add more lights as you go.


Well-Known Member
what do you mean in the ceiling? you want to keep them no more than a few inches from the plant. 3 is a start. for flower i would at least double that.


its really up to u ive used 3 before it was ok , but got a hps 600watt now an its so much better! but if u low on funds it will work, weeds better then no weed


Active Member
these guys are only partially can easily grow a plant maturity with 69 watts, and depending on how you place them, you can even have a decent yeild, 3 23 watt cfls will put out almost 1000 more lumens than a single 69 watt cfl, and since more tubing will actually be directly facing the plants, you will have even more usueable light hitting the foliage, although more light would definately be better, you should have no problem getting decent smoke from 69 watts. hell ive seen a plant grown under a single 23 watt in an 18 oz dixie cup that yeilded 4 1/2 g's dry, and was only 6 inches tall, may not be a high yeild, but was FOR SURE some dank ass smoke, if you can only use the 69 watts, just use a small pot and it will keep your plant small, and you will have no priblem lighting the entire canopy,

i may be using like 300 wats of cfls in my grow, but that dont mean i need it all, its just the more the better ya dig?


i have a a ceiling fixture and its a small room with a low ceiling so im going to have them on a table so its good distance and im only doing one at a time


Well-Known Member
good distance is 2 inches or less (unless you´d get say 5 cfls and have them in an outward facing star (each cfl at a 90 degree angle downwards) and a reflector above, then you´d want the cfls about 6 inches away from the plant (above it) to maximize each light intersecting eachother (this actually boosts the light quite alot, plus eliminates shadows)

but this setup is only really good for one plant in flowering,foot tall, tops 1.5, but you´d get decent bud for the money put in.

if you really wanted to boost it, you´d get 2-4 23w cfls as sidelighting , but kept closer than the top light. you can use half liter coke cans as reflectors (cut off half and bend them bit out))


Well-Known Member
oh you´d want a bit of distance between the 5 cfls in a star formation, 2-3 inches, just play with the footprint and see what gives the best light.