Is it okay to use B'cuzz Roots and Great White on seedlings in 16oz Hempy cups?


Well-Known Member
This is my first grow from seeds and not clones. It's also my first grow in my new space.

I have been experimenting with bag seed and currently have 12 seedlings all 3 weeks old.

They were germinated/sprouted in rockwool cubes and I also did a few in Root Riot cubes to see what medium worked best for me.

After they sprouted and I could see roots emerging from the bottom/sides of my cubes I transplanted them into 100% perlite 16oz hempy cups. After I did this I started to water them with B'cuzz roots, and once I week I used Great White.

I had thought I stunted them by giving them this because after the first week of steady growth them seamed to stop growing and it looked like the tips of the leaves were burnt, so I backed off and just gave them water until a couple nights ago.:-?

In fact, them seamed to stop growing all together so I decided to take my sickliest looking seedling and sacrifice it to take a look at it's roots. They looked great! :hump:

Turns out I was starving them! Within hours of feeding them they looked like different plants and when I woke up this morning there was clearly new growth! What a relief, I thought I had killed them by feeding B'Cuzz Root too soon.

So, my question is this...

Can I start giving my seedlings B'Cuzz Roots and GreatWhite during it's first week of life? Should I be giving them this, this early? I know the GreatWhite won't hurt anything, I'm more curious about the root stimulators.

Any feedback would be greatly appreciated!

p.s. I have 4 Bubba OG Kush seeds germinating in root riots in my heated propagator as we speak, put them in there on Sunday night and already they all have nice, long, and healthy looking tap roots emerging from the bottom of the plugs! I wann make sure it's ok to give them the B'Cuzz once they are about a week old.
Why not? Even the doc suggests using the heated propagtor in the instructions that came with the seeds. They are already breaking the surface and all 4 have nice healthy tap roots emerging from the bottom of the cubes.

Also, for me the heated propagator with the light on 20/4 always gives me the best success rate. It has only given me great success and they are moving alone really fast. Just put them in the Root Riots on Sunday night and already they are showing roots through the plugs.

The seeds came super quick but the Dr. screwed up my order. I ordered 5 Bubba OG Kush and 5 Headband. Although I recieved them in 5(!)days, I got a package that only containted 6 of the Bubba OG. When I called him he immediately appologized and told me he would send the Headband right aways. I'm not really complaining, with the price of those seeds an extra one was greatly appreciated, and if the Headband comes as quick as the first package then I will be one satisfied customer.
How about the B'Cuzz Roots and GreatWhite? They are ok to start feeding almost immediately correct? I waited too long to feed my bag seed seedlings that are 3 weeks old. I should have feed them over a week ago when they first started showing signs of deficiencies. I was so concearned with feeding them becaue they were only working on their first set of leaves, so finally after a week of almost no growth, I decided to check the roots on the saddest looking one. They were really healthy, white, and fuzzy, so I decided they were beging me for food, and boy were they. I could notice a difference in just 6 hours. They had new growth and exploded over night.
while i noticed the heating pad gives most rapid germ rates, it also increases damping off. but i noticed something else. my sprouts seemed confused. common sense tells me below the dirtline should be cooler not warmer(in nature). i cut out the heating pad and instead just throw em under the mh in the corner so they still get heat but on top instead. works much better for me. with the pad temps were hitting over 80, in the corner its a steady 72ish. whats ur temps?

as for bcuzz roots i dont know what that product is. but i use great white alot, great product. only needs to be applied every 3 weeks. as for germing id go with piranha beneficials or something with the rhizo bennies. im about to germ some shit right now with piranha, helps kill of fungi that can damp off your precious birdfeed... ;)