Is it Possible That the U.S. Government Staged the Boston Marathon Bombing?

Sorry, I get you rollitup douches confused all the time - guess that's how much you mean to me :)

But 6 figures hardly impress me - been doing it myself... Difference between you and me is I don't have to answer to a time clock - I work for myself. So go find some 20 yo to try to impress with that shit.
Working the system, eh? At least i was right about the welfare state ur in. Well, hopefully you'll put the gi bill and disability check to good use. Most of the time, the idiot users of the gibill just squander it - i dont hold out too much hope for you but maybe you'll supprise me, lol


Yup, I was just milking the system. It had nothing to do with spending several years working on heavy armor. Those turbine engines; diesel powerplants bigger than some cars; and 1,000's of 120mm rounds fired near me had nothing to do with my disability. I faked experiencing a documented 20% hearing loss, and the addition of a lovely constant ringing in my ears; you caught me. :roll:
Yup, I was just milking the system. It had nothing to do with spending several years working on heavy armor. Those turbine engines; diesel powerplants bigger than some cars; and 1,000's of 120mm rounds fired near me had nothing to do with my disability. I faked experiencing a documented 20% hearing loss, and the addition of a lovely constant ringing in my ears; you caught me. :roll:
Actually, hearing loss is the most commonly faked disability in the military... Can't be proven or disproven... But regardless, my bad... I got you confused with someone else who was trolling me so I brought up something that I probably shouldn't have - my apologies.
Actually, hearing loss is the most commonly faked disability in the military... Can't be proven or disproven... But regardless, my bad... I got you confused with someone else who was trolling me so I brought up something that I probably shouldn't have - my apologies.

Well what is your personal problem that has you so personal with beyond strangers, just us photons?
I say socio-pathic. I'd really like to know how you became that. Nothing personal, of course.
Ah ha, the sociopath turns. Now I'm the jew, huh? Oh my poor widdle pussy, boo hoo.
For a big time Sr. Engr. Mgr., you sour spend most of your day on the internet... I guess that's why you been stuck in middle management for the last 30 years, huh?
Now, finally you are ready to reveal your flaw.....woops too late, slipped out already.

Only a soicopath thinks they can hurt someone with photons. Grandiose sense of self.

So what hit you so hard? Desert Storm?
Now, finally you are ready to reveal your flaw.....woops too late, slipped out already.

Only a soicopath thinks they can hurt someone with photons. Grandiose sense of self.

So what hit you so hard? Desert Storm?

LOL, honestly... I didn't even read your dribble... I just wanted the last word :)