Is it possible to be addicted to RIU?

while men may feel they contribute more to society and may in certain aspects, there are some things in life that REQUIRE a womans' love and touch. hands down. if there werent women in this world right now human beings would have already either killed eachother or blown the fuck out of our planet (besides the fact we couldnt re-product) even if men human beings were asexual, we would have killed each other if not for women, i guarentee it. so in the end i feel womans contribution to society while is different than mens it is equally or perhaps maybe even more important, especially to our sustainability and life on this planet anyways.

My girl doesn't do a single damn thing in the garden... but, she tolerates it and smokes the shit out of it.... works for me.
The room is like my private space. If I'm in there, she knocks if she needs something. My man cave kinda thing.

It's to the point now where if me and my girl split... I wouldn't get another. It would fuck up what I do. I wouldn't take the risk again.

I would totally go the "hobbyist" way. Sometimes, you want lovin' and you just wanna pay for it.

when me and my sons mother split up this is exactly how i feel....I loved her like ill never love another woman ever again...Not only am I not willing to take the risk when it comes to the growing aspect of it, Im personally not willing to take the emotional risk that involved falling deeply in love with another girl. I feel like I found the one girl that was really my soul mate but for one reason or another whether it was just not meant to be or I fucked it up or she fucked it up or whatever it doesnt really matter the reasoning is moot, theres no other girl out there that I can ever love more than I loved her so what is the point of trying?

The way I see it, I dont think there is another girl out there that I could ever love more than I loved her. If I did find that not to be true (which it may be) I would proabably change my mind, but I have yet to find her...Its sort of like I know for sure I had the girl that I loved and will love more than ANY other girl in this world and if i cant have that type of love again I would rather have no love at all rather than a half assed love or a girl that i love but not as much as me and her were in love. Maybe its just mental, maybe not...either way...I had a male human being, my genetics have been passed on, I have achieved the ULTIMATE biological goal, there is NO higher goal in this world than to achieve this and I have done it, the way i see it is I could die right now in this computer chair it would be OK. by me...I did my job, my genes were passed on and I feel that is something really special and as long as i taught my son right, he will pass his genes on (in turn passing MY genes on) and in a way I will live on this earth forever, until the end of the earth. and to ME, that is the ultimate goal and just fucking super swell to me....i really cant think of anything else better honestly.

That's a very open and honest personal insight aknight3... thank you for sharing it with us =)

I mean no offense in my next comments at all, it is simply my viewpoint about you're emotional monogamy and biological birthright.

In a biological viewpoint, monogamy is not natural among humans. It is developed out of religious belief or evoloution of the emotional capacity of the human mind.
Ive never quite understood how humans feel that their sole purpose in life is to pass on their genes, and without this their life holds little end value.
I try to understand why somebody like yourself who is obviously emotionally healthy and evolved by example of you're feelings toward you're previous love could on the other hand be so primal in you're view of passing on you're genetic code as you're ultimate achievement in life...?

Do you feel you're life would hold less meaning if you never had children...?

Our minds work in mysterious ways, and like I said I mean no disrespect in any way.... Im just curious ^^

Cheers Jimmy.
I agree. It's really great that you can share your feelings here with friends. And this is why RIU is great. We do care. You're biological success is not just that you provided the genetic material, but as you put it "as long as I taught my son right."

And you know what Aknight3, I know where you're coming from. I would never try to compare my pain to someone else's but I certainly know the feeling of knowing I will never love somebody the same again. Now I love a new girl, not the same but different, and that's okay. I will never put myself out in the same way, or make myself as vulnerable, but I will love the shit out of her as much as I can.

There are a lot of biological advantages to monogamy from the statistical standpoint, especially for modern humans. Don't give up on love. It's easy to give up on love. It's a lot harder to have faith in love.