Is it possible to clone like this?


I was reading about cloning earlier and I had a question I needed to ask.

I've got some plants that just started flowering and I was wondering that if I took a clone from it, is it possible to use Miracle Gro Root Stimulator? I seen it lying around the house and was wondering if it would work? I don't really feel like going out for some rooting powder lol.:leaf:
I wouldn't try it if you want them to take roots get some gel and do it right unless you just want to waste your time it stress's the plant and less bud sites where you cut them. I have taken clones when my plants where flowering takes longer for the roots to take. If you want some practice and if ya got male plants try them just keep in another room! And they will root in ph'd water with nothing on them put sum of the root stimulator in some water and try it just make sure everything is sterile b4 you cut !!! Good luck and keep growing Peace
I belive the MG rootstimulator is fert, an wouldnt help with cloning.
I use rooting powder, an it clones just like gel.
i like to clear out some of the lower stretched growth points(normally bottom 4 branches) that didnt grow/stretch enough to get decent lighting by the end of the stretch phase of flower and to help airflow. I used to not even bother to use hormone half the time and just put them in cups of water and let them sit in indirect light 18 hrs a day, its very rare i have one that doesnt make it. It does take a bit longer w/o hormone than if you use hormone though in my experience, so next time your at the store pick some up. I'd just put em in a cup of plain water till then.
if you got it laying around i would try it. why not? its only 1-2 small clones your trying. then you will have something to compare to if you buy different kind of rooting hormone.
Y-ou don't need anything for cloning...The plant will grow roots without any hormone added by you...I haven't ever used any but have successfully cloned plants without issue...although I do use a DWC the bubbles and water help I would say...But in high school horticulture we cloned a million and one geraniums straight into soil following no rules...What can I and a friend got to spend an hour and a half everyday in a greenhouse doing whatever we wanted so not alot got done...not right anyway...but everything made it
i second that you dont need hormones. I use a dwc as well i have a 100% success rate. It is quite simple to make a dwc as well all you need you can find around your house. Might need to buy a air pump from a pet shop but those are not expensive at all.