All drugs alter the mind of the person taking it, even cannabis, that's the point, I suppose if you're a spiritual kind of person you'll probably see it as demonic possession but from a realist perspective it's likely just a temporary form of brain damage.
I don't really see it as possession like you see in movies or anything, more influenced by ill; but I was putting it more towards being more susceptible to human animal instincts that are not morally correct. Think that's one thing that separates us from animals - morals.
Now I have been down some bumpy roads and been to a rehab. This sentiment was fairly common tbh. The harder stuff that requires man to manipulate, had an overwhelming agreement "yeah I sometimes got that vibe when I was on it, seeing shadow man in the corner, floating eyes that are just a set of glowing green, yellow, or red dots" etc. Whether it was meth, too many opioids, etc. oh and sleep paralysis was probably noted by 70% of the 50 or so addicts I spoke with. Very interesting that once you go to far anything could be a "hallucinogen"...or is there more to it lol. To each there own!
EDIT: smoke to spoke - lol
all the addicts I smoke with at a rehab