Is it possible to have a hydrponic system without a ppm meter???


Mr I Can Do That For Half
You can have a aero/hydro system but you cant grow right without a ppm and ph meter.Go on ebay they are about $30 each new


Well-Known Member
im also getting one some time very soon and found this site they are less than 30 bucks but i dont know how good they are anyone know if they are the right ones?TDS Meters


Well-Known Member
Yea, cause i dont wanna kill my plants cause i was too cheap to spend $30, considering all the money i have already spent... I just always seen them for $2-3 hundred dollar but $30 to $50 isnt bad at all...


Well-Known Member
unless i hear from someone that the ones on that site wont work ima buy one now im just gonna look around for a cheap digital ph meter cause this color matching game sucks lol


Mr I Can Do That For Half
You can use any kind.The more you pay the longer they last. I paid like $5 for my truncheon wand (tds,cf and ec meter) and I paid about $24 for my ph pen.As long as the ph pen is calibratable and the ppm meter will go to 9999 it will work


Mr I Can Do That For Half
Highest I have taken any grow to safely was about 1650 with Fox Farm nutes and additives in an aero grow


Well-Known Member
ebay has tds for 10-15 and ph for 20-30 both hanna base model, so 30-45 plus shipping and you have both, those are buy it now prices too


Well-Known Member
The cheap PPM meter on ebay is good, I believe it's made by Hanna. The PH pen by hanna is also nice, but needs constant calibration every 2-3 weeks. Be careful if you do choose to get those meters cause if I'm not mistaken one company that sells them is in hong kong or something, and the other is more local. I paid around $50-$60 for both meters, maybe less.


Well-Known Member
Ive had my ppms at 1600 with no nutrient burn. but thats when they are hardcore agressive flowering. i suggest getting a good meter that will last a while, since u tend to use them once or more every single day.


Well-Known Member
I paid 200 for a Bluelabs combo meter 2 years ago, it recently shorted, and I purchased the Hanna wands until I get my meter back from warranty repair.

The wands seem to be working fine.


Well-Known Member
I've used the el cheapo ones for 6 months now, no problems ( except of course when I misplace them )