Is it possible to OD on really good pot???

Carne Seca

Well-Known Member
Yea he is doing fine today, I stayed with him all night petting him and telling him every thing was going to be okay.
I coult tell he had a terrible case of the spins and all I could do was just let him sleep it off.
He got up good enough to go out side and do his buisness at 4am he ate the kief at 12 noon and was out of it that long.
awww pobrecito! You're a good daddy! :) He's going to be really thirsty the next couple of days. From what I've read they can get really dehydrated while high. No lasting damage for the poor little guy thank goodness.

Big Trees

Well-Known Member
Greens outs can happen for sure. I've lost vision temporarily from some really good blue dream, sour d, and some purps. Smoked like 10 bowls in my friends car outta a bong and didn't even realize the windows were up. I then lost vision like 20 minutes afterwards, I was able to navigate the house just had no vision. It made no sense to me. That blue dream was by far some of the dopest dope I've ever smoked