Is It Possible To Transplant From Rockwool To Soil?


Well-Known Member
a buddy of mine gave me a clone.. and it's rooted in a tiny rockwool plug and that plug is planted in like a 7"x7" cube.. I'm guessing it came from like one of those hydro setups or something.. but I wanna know if I can take the root ball out and plant into some soil I have. I don't do hydro and have zero experience with it.. so I just wanna stick to what I know..

Here's some pics.. it seems well rooted and everything.. so idk if it's gonna work out but is barely showing roots out the bottom of the large cube. lol

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Well-Known Member
Ive heard of people burying them in soil but never done it,one thing I can tell ya,you arent getting that plant out of that cube with any roots left.If you dont want to grow in that rockwool you might be better off just taking a clone and starting over


Well-Known Member
I would recommend taking cuttings / clones off that clone and starting new. that way you will have new roots and multiple plants and no issues with rockwool. However you could also plant the rockwool directly into the soil but you could have issues with the difference in moisture retention of the 2 grow mediums. Also as stated above don't pull it out of that rockwool lol
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Well-Known Member
a buddy of mine gave me a clone.. and it's rooted in a tiny rockwool plug and that plug is planted in like a 7"x7" cube.. I'm guessing it came from like one of those hydro setups or something.. but I wanna know if I can take the root ball out and plant into some soil I have. I don't do hydro and have zero experience with it.. so I just wanna stick to what I know..

Here's some pics.. it seems well rooted and everything.. so idk if it's gonna work out but is barely showing roots out the bottom of the large cube. lol

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You can plant the Rockwool in dirt and be just fine. Don't pull it out and rip the roots but you could take scissors and trim the Rockwool from the sides. Looks like the roots are going down, so you can trim the sides without touching roots. If you accidentally trim the roots a little you will be fine, just don't pull it out of the cube.


Well-Known Member
lol nah it was sitting in one of my old pots I was planning on transplanting into but it was too wide. it would have ended up taking 60-70 percent of the pot.

bryan oconner

Well-Known Member
I use those at times . just put the entire cube in the soil and water ,like you would soil the roots will come out of the cube and go into the soil by them self . do not cut the cube off plant the entire thing .


Well-Known Member
I've never used those huge ones but I've buried hundreds of the small 2x2 cubes ..that's how I used to clone in domes before I bought a cloner.. I've gotten the larger 4x4 cubes from a friend who grows in hydro and I've buried those too ..never had any issues.


Well-Known Member
I've never used those huge ones but I've buried hundreds of the small 2x2 cubes ..that's how I used to clone in domes before I bought a cloner.. I've gotten the larger 4x4 cubes from a friend who grows in hydro and I've buried those too ..never had any issues.
you think a plant like her can be planted in super soil? cause that's all I do..


Well-Known Member
Absolutely, I'd bury that bitch up to the first set of leaves .. I'm not counting that first little one as a set.


Well-Known Member
Absolutely, I'd bury that bitch up to the first set of leaves .. I'm not counting that first little one as a set.
I didn't burry it that low cause my pot is only like a 5 gallon.. should I have just sat a fine layer of soil and then sat that whole block on that layer and then filled the side room with soil? should I do that now?

bryan oconner

Well-Known Member
can leave a little of it stick up and water the cube and the run off will water the soil . the roots will come out into the soil find the moisture