Is It Possible To Transplant From Rockwool To Soil?

Skunk Baxter

Well-Known Member
I've done it hundreds of times, and never had a problem. When I'm doing an outdoor guerilla grow, I start 'em out in cubes and then take an Igloo cooler full of cubes out to the woods and plant them. Works great. Right now I'm doing an indoor grow with coco where I planted 50 seeds in cubes and then transplanted them all into pots of coco. Working very nicely.

Like you, I've occasionally been concerned about the differences in the water retention characteristics of the two grow mediums, but keep in mind - within a few days after you transplant the cubes into the soil, the roots are usually growing out of the rockwool and into the soil, and within a week and a half to two weeks you'll have a solid rootball established in the pot of soil. The rockwool won't even be a factor; at that point, the two growing mediums will find a rough equilibrium in their moisture retention. Not perfect (one will usually be somewhat wetter than the other) but it'll be close enough that it shouldn't matter.


Well-Known Member
so I'm now noticing the plant seems to be dying going through some def.. or something.. maybe shock? idk.. I planted the cube in some super soil that's been cooking for like 90 days. I transplanted and then watered in two days later with an act. some kelp ewc and psg. and some molasses.. diluted 1:2.

but she looks like this..

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Well-Known Member
I just have some supplemental lighting right now.. about 160 watts of cfl.. like 6 inches away from the top..


Well-Known Member
I believe this got pm? I could be wrong cause I've never seen it. what you all think? I took cutting or her.. should I just toss all three?

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the yellowing and dying fan leaves are getting worse as well from the last pictures but new growth looks pretty good.. could she bouncing back? if that is pm here in these pics what should I do about it?