Is it possible?


Active Member
yep, thats how u get hermies, sometimes if you have a whole room full of hundreds of females , this lack of reproductive ability will stress them out and one will turn male/hermie to fill that instinctual gap


Active Member
ah, gotta cover my ass before someone critises me for using this as general rule and not as a freak occurence, this is extremely rare for this to happen, 99.9% of the time hermies will be cause by genetics, light leaks , stress ext, but yeh mj doesnt mind growing a strap-on and some nuts even if its loaded with calyxs' and near the chop

Punky McBadbone

Active Member
ah, gotta cover my ass before someone critises me for using this as general rule and not as a freak occurence, this is extremely rare for this to happen, 99.9% of the time hermies will be cause by genetics, light leaks , stress ext, but yeh mj doesnt mind growing a strap-on and some nuts even if its loaded with calyxs' and near the chop
My friend has a set up with about 10 plants flowering but only one strain out of 3 hermied does that mean if you take clones off that mother they will all turn out the same? (not a %100 sure he keeps the lights at critical watch but it was only the one strain, plus I dont think he showed as much love to them as the other =P if that'll change stuff lol)


Well-Known Member
generally speaking if you see something in the genetics of a plant occur that you don't like, it's always best to not clone it, as that simple decision cuts those genetics off right then and there, saving you the headache later. it's anyone's guess, but i'd try to cut my losses on those mothers. JUST grow em BIG! heh, oh, also, find out how much less love. depending onj what he did to that strain, it could have stressed it to become hermie {the plant's instincts kick in if it think it's going to die without propagating, and therefore stress (possibility of death or harm) causes hermaphrodite plants.}


Well-Known Member
as far as whether hermies that become that way b/c of environmental factors... hmm.. that's a good question, whether or not that causes the clones to be.. I'm sure it's here on RIU somewhere. almost everything already is. it's just so difficult to locate all the info


Well-Known Member
i think that's the most difficult part about growing :an uncontrolled environment. if it was easy, everyone'd do it. I'm quite new, btu i just makke sure i spend at least 20 minutes a day reading forums or grow guide books. ICmag is good, too. their forum is new to me, but there's a great read on CMH lighting, and that really is what made me sign up (i've been completely loyal to RIU for three and a half years or so now, so it was a big step for me rofl) anyhow, everything's somewhere on the net, so if one of us finds it, i suppose we should let you know (wow i am rambling today. lol)

Punky McBadbone

Active Member
see the thing is the mother stays female no matter what the only thing i noticed is that the clones he tried to bud turned hermie or started to... and it's not his favorite strain or did he tend to them as much me meaning that they got less love can't say exactly.... also right now there are 7 other healthy clones from her lookin as female as can be only when he tries to bud them they turn... I'm not exactly sure it is completely dark in there for the 12/12 but if not there is very little, could they be that sensitive?