Is it possible?


i've used miracle grow soil and peters professional (when i first started and had great results) when i don't go organic, but i grow for quality. If you use the right nutes at the right time it makes a huge difference. If its just a learning experience i recommend finding, what you believe to be good soil and use monty's liquid carbon soil conditioner- or another brand if you can find one, but its cheap for what it does. I love male plants, if you have a male about 15-25 ft away from your girls they still sense the male and want to produce seed so they so they produce more energy(similar to hormones with humans i guess) but the real thing males are made for is breeding (its called cross breeding, i am not sure if some1 has already mentioned it or not)
ok but say I have some female plants and there was a male about a different stop somewhat far away would the male plant still produce buds or all seeds?


the male will never produce bud... only females will.
males are good for their pollen and the hormone thing i mention(but does it greatly effect the quality no, but i like having some males) and the pollen from the males mixed with the hairs on the females makes seeds, its like sex. But if you want bud, you want only females.


if you can afford it, i'd go with 20-30 seedlings. Lets say 5 don't make it through germinating and 6 are runts. That leaves you with around 14, lets say 7 males & 7 females. i would keep your 2 best males and either your best females or all of them (you can experiment with breeding, if your that into it, on the weaker females)
You won't be able to tell what their sex is until it either sprouts a pistil (female) or something similar to a crab claw (male) Just research identifying the sex when you notice a change in your plants.


Well-Known Member
MG is full of time release nutes that dont let you control the amount of nutes that are going into your plant.
heres a novel idea, DONT BUY THE TIME RELEASED. simple, and heres one for you... do you figure that...i guess back when these plants first started growing on this planet there was guys roaming the world feeding these they grow bigger,faster,and more potent with nutes...yes...but will they always die without them...not in all cases...depends on the medium they are in
well to start off you should buy a N/P/K test kit and go test the soil your lawn grows in it will show Very basic amounts. WOW AMAZING, MATHER NATURE HAS NATURAL NUTRIENTS?!?! DERP. use your brain, everything NEEDS food to survive, dont believe me? stop eating :)

instead of spending $30 on MG..should get a bag of real soil that "might" cover him all the way till flower...then start veg nutes for the first 3 weeks of flower to cover the stretch then start bloom nutes...and dont even get me started on flushing and how its completely useless to improve the taste...if your watering properly you get enough flush every other watering to remove any salts that might be in the soil...the ONLY reason to "flush" or leeching as real growers call it.
go read more. FLUSHING is flushing the nutrients out of the plant duering the last 2 weeks of flowering. this can be dony many ways such as spiking the PH of the medium to stop the absorbtion of nutrients, as nutrients can only be properly absorbed with a PH below 8.....

leaching salts from the soil is a totaly different subjest. you must leach the soil multiple times duering a proper grow to ensure a PH above 6 but below 7 (hydroponic growing as an exception, average PH being 5.5.....and flushed almost daily...)

giving a constant 6.5-8.6 is far from the best thing to do for your plants...think of nature..rain water has a ph of around 5.8..
actualy most rain water measures 7..... thats 120x the "PH" of 5.8.... as PH is refering to the concentration of hydronium atoms in a specific medium, and each full point of PH represents a complete 100x raise in the concentration.....

when it rains the plant goes to "sleep" its not able to uptake the it leeches the water off as fast as it can.after lower ph water is leeched out it sucks up as much nutes as fast as it can...that when you feed it with water with a ph around 6.2-6.8.the plant is now able to take in nutes and will absorb almost all of the nutes you just fed it...same as in nature..which is what you want when growing recreate nature in a controlled environment.
"feed it with water with a ph around 6.2-6.8.the plant is now able to take in nutes" thats the only thing in this entire paragraph that made sense. first off the plant doesn't "go to sleep" when it rains, it "sleeps" when the lights are off (uses the least amount of energy for the most amount of growth.....sleep). when it rains it is simply washes off the stomata on the bottom of the leaves allowing for proper oxygen/CO2 absorbtion.

1 last point. the point of this thread is IS IT POSSIBLE. and yes it is, and its a good way to start to. lots of people on here hate about "the right way to do it" WTF are you talking about RIGHT WAY?!?! there is no right way. we have been growing this shit for over 8000 years and smoking it for close to 4000.

EDIT: you wanted an easy male:Female notifier. well here ya go :)
Hey man hewre is actual help go get bags of Fox Farm Forest blend bags of soil they are pre PH balanced at 6.0 "perfect for soil" and it has earthworm castings and bat guano.


Well-Known Member
heres a novel idea, DONT BUY THE TIME RELEASED. simple, and heres one for you...

well to start off you should buy a N/P/K test kit and go test the soil your lawn grows in it will show Very basic amounts. WOW AMAZING, MATHER NATURE HAS NATURAL NUTRIENTS?!?! DERP. use your brain, everything NEEDS food to survive, dont believe me? stop eating :)

go read more. FLUSHING is flushing the nutrients out of the plant duering the last 2 weeks of flowering. this can be dony many ways such as spiking the PH of the medium to stop the absorbtion of nutrients, as nutrients can only be properly absorbed with a PH below 8.....

leaching salts from the soil is a totaly different subjest. you must leach the soil multiple times duering a proper grow to ensure a PH above 6 but below 7 (hydroponic growing as an exception, average PH being 5.5.....and flushed almost daily...)

actualy most rain water measures 7..... thats 120x the "PH" of 5.8.... as PH is refering to the concentration of hydronium atoms in a specific medium, and each full point of PH represents a complete 100x raise in the concentration.....

"feed it with water with a ph around 6.2-6.8.the plant is now able to take in nutes" thats the only thing in this entire paragraph that made sense. first off the plant doesn't "go to sleep" when it rains, it "sleeps" when the lights are off (uses the least amount of energy for the most amount of growth.....sleep). when it rains it is simply washes off the stomata on the bottom of the leaves allowing for proper oxygen/CO2 absorbtion.

1 last point. the point of this thread is IS IT POSSIBLE. and yes it is, and its a good way to start to. lots of people on here hate about "the right way to do it" WTF are you talking about RIGHT WAY?!?! there is no right way. we have been growing this shit for over 8000 years and smoking it for close to 4000.

EDIT: you wanted an easy male:Female notifier. well here ya go :)
didnt feel the need to read all this...knowing most of your info is going to be way off...notice that everyone that followed my comment agreed with let the OP judge who know what they are talking about


Well-Known Member
yea and notice how most of the people who agreed with you are noobies?.....

heres some proof fr you buddy. this is exactly what hes talking about doing. i've allready done it, with the same suplies hes talking about using, i got 11 OZ's dry. it lasted me all winter.... everything in there is the same grow except the pic titles "da WW monster" thats from one of my friends on here.....

i've been growing for YEARS and i can prove it. you talk alot but wheres your proof?...........Edit: and im not talking about your little CFL indoor grow, this is outdoor. guerilla growing isnt growing in a box, you can do alot more......


Well-Known Member
yea and notice how most of the people who agreed with you are noobies?.....

heres some proof fr you buddy. this is exactly what hes talking about doing. i've allready done it, with the same suplies hes talking about using, i got 11 OZ's dry. it lasted me all winter.... everything in there is the same grow except the pic titles "da WW monster" thats from one of my friends on here.....

i've been growing for YEARS and i can prove it. you talk alot but wheres your proof?...........Edit: and im not talking about your little CFL indoor grow, this is outdoor. guerilla growing isnt growing in a box, you can do alot more......
you can wave your internet dick around all you like...i have nothing to prove to you or anyone here...but if the guy wants to half kill his all means he can take your advice


Well-Known Member
corbat... you say yourself that youve been growing for years. you know how to balance NPK and other nutes with the MG soil. but the OP doesnt know any of that, and will most likely kill his plants if MG soil is used. why not tell him to get some basic stuff like fox farm or something, so he can learn?


Active Member
miracle grow will fuck your shit up
You have never grown have you. I bet you one of those fucks who would pull fan leafs to get more light to the buds. Check my grow and then say mg dosent work I use it inside/outside and have nice results. There is better out there hell yea. Why do stupid fuck post wrong and retarted info. Come on if you don't have first hand knowlage on what the fuck you are talking about. Its people like you who spread alot of miss truths in growing.