Well-Known Member
Is it possible to blast off on DMT while on LSD and on your way into a K hole? I tried really hard but things just got really weird and I stayed completely coherent although not upright or very functional.
Well the grass never stops burnin, that is just a given. Saved to Mol for when I eat mushrooms. I don't know why you'd say I'm bull shit. I don't really know if I was in K-hole or not it was my first time doing more than just a little K. I was having a great time and thought it may be interesting to see how the DMT effected the experience. Honestly it made everything way brighter and more sparkly but I was already tripping pretty hard and laid down on purpose, not because I had to (yet). The whole time I felt like I could get up or move my arms or legs any time I wanted to but it also felt like if I did try to move I may come down a little so I just layed there and bugged, it was freaking beautiful! I think adding the DMT was likely a waste but maybe someday I'll try again (no more K). I must say thought K and LSD is my new favorite combo. Add some good tunes and hold on to your seat. I painted a picture of it that night, I should see if I can take a good picture and post it. Not like it gets you there but it sure makes me smile!this guy is bullshit^ its all about rockin a k hole on L and deemsters. why arent u rolling extacy and smoking grass too?