Is it ready to flush?


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Staff member
Hi this is only my 3rd grow. This white widow x white Russian. Auto flowering 5 gal dwc under a 400w MH bulb
It's day 64. And I started to flush out he nutes
The hairs are more brown than white now.. Here are the pics
I do not flush.
Nature does not flush and I use the same molecules nature uses :)
Therefore; I am going with her on this.

I am a softie and don't like starving my plants when they are bulking at the end, ymmv. However if a grower I respects tells me to flush I may try it. I mean why not I've ruined plants every other way, starvation in the last week seems like a real killer idea!


Well-Known Member
I got told not to go by the hairs, go by the tricones by using a jewelers microscope to see whether its cloudy or not, plus if you like a good body stone you leave it to go longer and the tricones change colour and you can even make it 50/50 cloudy and amber to get both high then body stoned


Well-Known Mod
Staff member
I got told not to go by the hairs, go by the tricones by using a jewelers microscope to see whether its cloudy or not, plus if you like a good body stone you leave it to go longer and the tricones change colour and you can even make it 50/50 cloudy and amber to get both high then body stoned
You go by both. Look at the plant as a whole and look at the trichomes. It is a bit tricky and I'm not that great. I usually run mine to long.


bud bootlegger
Okay I never flushed before and I will look at the trichomes closely

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if you have more then one plant, try flushing one, and not flushing the second one.. smoke and compare for yourself.. i've done this myself, and found absolutely no difference between the flushed and unflushed bud, so i now no longer flush..
Okay so I should keep feeding the plants nutes until it's truly done? Around 1000 ppm?

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Oi thanks. Should I start trimming back some of the fan leaves and leaves on the bottom or just leave them?

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Well-Known Member
I leave them alone, except the very bottom if they are dieing off because not enough light. I keep telling myself I will try more aggressive pruning on the bottom, but when it comes time to actually start hacking up my plants, I find I don't have the heart to do it until harvest time.

I also like using all of the lighter buds on the bottom to make dry ice hash for edibles. But, one of these days I will actually do it.. maybe


Well-Known Member
if you have more then one plant, try flushing one, and not flushing the second one.. smoke and compare for yourself.. i've done this myself, and found absolutely no difference between the flushed and unflushed bud, so i now no longer flush..
Atleast you're not one of those I don't flush snobs lol… seems no flushers always gotta bag on flushers…


Well-Known Member
I do flush when needed, though I've made some huge changes in my grow and no longer do the hardcore 2 week flush which includes running multiple gallons of water on the first flush day. I try to get my ppm down to below 200 without flushing but by still watering with just straight water for the last 2 weeks, if you get it down to 200 by just watering (but not removing excess water as a flush would imply) you'll be well satisfied. Before I got my Tundgeon (PPM / EC meter) I was probably at 2200+ ppm before flush, now I keep her lower around 1000-1200 (run off water ppm) when I water, so a lot less to get ride of thus no need to flush but by getting down below 200ppm I know the plant used up all the good stuff.