Is it ready to harvest?


Active Member
This is my first grow. One plant in miracle grow potting soil on my patio. this bagseed was planted the last week of July and this is the 9th week of flowering. I took these pictures this am with my phone. Can someone tell me if its time to harvest? Any and all help is appreciated. Thanks for the forum, such great info.



Active Member
They look pretty close, I would say wait a week or so for the pistils to start curling inwards.


Active Member
no I don't have a microscope, but I started flushing about 10 days ago. thank you guys for all the help. I will wait another week or so.


Active Member
Radio shack has a scope for 12 bucks if you plan on growing any more its worth the investment I just bought mine


Well-Known Member
you don't need a microscope for that.

you have a week left and your pistils should curl and die at most. like lordemo said.
you plant should look less green and more orange from a distance.

A trick I learnt is removing all the leaves 3 days before chopping. that way if you break up the resin glands they have time to recover and the stress makes the plant throw even more. its pretty easy to do as well.

If you want to know how your trichomes are you can just use a high resolution digital camera (at least 5M pixel, which is considered pretty low these days) and take a close-up shot using the macro feature.
Then you just expand the picture on your computer and if the image is sharp enough you should be able to tell exactly how your trichomes are.
The higher the resolution - the easier.
When taking the picture make sure your in focus (half click for focus and the other half to take the picture) and that your camera is steady. Idealy you camera would be on a chair \ table \ tripod \ something solid.

12$ for watching trichomes 2-3 times a year? thats stupid.


Definitely start flushing, and pay attention to those trichomes! You want 50/50 white/amber for optimum ripeness


Active Member
I have no idea what strain it is, just one of my bagseeeds. But today I noticed the leaves on the cola are turning a purple color.


Active Member
Thanks for all the help. Will definitely try using my camera to check the trichromes. And I may invest in a scope later.