Is it really budding already

Where in the world are you? I’m assuming it went from 18hrs of light down to whatever it has outside right now. Probably reveg then start flowering again in August / September
No there's no chance .you don't think it has something to do with other lights at night I wake up early for work in the morning and I have a motion LED light outside but none of the other three plants I have are doing the same thing
I had a ton of excess clones in April. They all went outside and were doin fine, then we had 2 overnight freezes back to back. They bounced back within a week but, after that stressor, they started flowering. Never saw that before, they should go back to veg as the days are longer. No biggie as they were simply extras but, I will be watching their progress.
Plant is certainly flowering, doesnt mean you cant kick it back to veg .

I dont understand how youve had it out its whole life if its only june 4th and its already that big. Did you somehow have in planted outside in march/april?
Yes those are my big plants they're in 35 gallon pots and I started them in a greenhouse in March. those little ones on my different post are some clones I bought that I messed up by putting them outside too early. So I've been putting the little clones in my shed and darken them to keep them budding. These are my big plants16228992034576825668538079700047.jpg