Is it root problems? see pix


Well-Known Member
Im an experienced soil grower with no hydro experience but i have been seriously researching all the methods of hydro, i look at alot of pics too :mrgreen: so take what im about to say with a grain of salt,those roots look hammered with severe root rot.

Hopefully a hydro grower will pop in with an informed answer for you but roots are never supposed to be brown,tan or slimey.


Active Member
looks like pythium or something similar and it has taken over your roots completely, go get some 'microbial' and follow directions closely, it will kill all bad crap in your roots.

might not be a bad idea to mix up a tub of room temp water with an adjusted ph of 6.5 to rinse the majority of it from your roots before using the microbial, use extreme care, if it comes off in large chunks and you dont see any white under the brown then it may be too late, but dont give up give it a gentle rinse anyhow.

afterwards get yourself some hydroguard and inoculate your system periodically.

also try to maintain a lower humidity, about 35-40% for a while and see how that works, dont go too low as it can allow for mildew to form.

your roots should be ghost white with little furry hairs all over them, how about we get a real good pic of the trunk of your sick babies?


Active Member
um i tried to clean the roots with clean water and to scrub off some of that fungii shit... some of the roots came off in chunks but i got down to some white lets see what happens. im worried about my one good plant. i still have to somehow cleanse the system.baxterbaines on your recomendatino i think iw ill get the Hydroguard Water Treatment thing... also did you mean antimicrobial i couldnt really find any microbial thing for use in water...



Active Member
it is called microbial rootzone conditioner, you can not use it along with hydroguard, microbial eliminates all bacterias even the good ones which are provided by hydroguard.. so i would use the microbial for a few days until the funk starts to wear away then switch to a maintained schedule of using 2-3tsp of hydroguard per gallon with each rez change.
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Same thing happened when I started...

I suggest getting rid of the Herbs in the Aerogarden, they are just using up the o2 that is in the small tank and competing for space.

You should have one or two airstones in the tank as well.

Hygrozyme has worked great for me.


Active Member
hygrozyme is good stuff too, but looking at the condition of those roots, they require the immediate killing power of microbial.. imo :)


Active Member
is this what im looking for
SubCulture–Microbial Root Inoculant

i am having a hard time finding it realy anywhere else.. 50 bux is the cheapest that i have found i donno if i can get a smaller container somewhere else... after looking at my good plant it looks like the roots aregetting that nasty orange color to them as well as the rest of my herbs.. i want to try and get this ordered asap to try and fix the one good plant thats just begining to show signs of root rot.. PS i bought an air stone today

would i use hygrozyme instead of the hydroguard not the microbial correct?


Active Member
omg they are getting even worse today on my good plant.. the leafs on the good one are starting to dry out like my other plant... please confirm the right microbial solution to purchase before my other baby dies!! omg and thanks :spew:


Active Member
well the one from UK is the correct one but it doesnt ship to usa.. trying to find it on ebay any other suggestions on howto cleanup those roots..?


Active Member
i do not know of another safe method that will save them, take clippings and move them into a sanitary area, if you cant find someone to send you the microbial, roll with one of the other two and hope for the best. it is not likely they will survive without a strong flushing treatment, so it may be best just to clean to clean the whole area out and start anew with hygrozyme treatment from the beginning, this will help prevent future root problems and will promote good qualities.

you could try removing the plant to a dry area for a while and just with a fan and a light on underneath it to allow a bit of drying out for the roots, this may help slow the growth and even stop it, not sure though i have not tried this before, i would take a sprayer bottle filled with a representative sample from you nute rez and mist the leaves periodically. make sure your hygrozyme or hydroguard is mixed in with it too.

wouldnt hurt to treat your clipping with a small squirt here and there too, just for safety sake.



Active Member
well i bought both hygrozyme and this stuff called Florashield... hope that helps the root rot, lets see what happens at this point. i may still make a trip to home depot to put the last surviving plant in dirt to see if that helps prevent it from getting worse until the other stuff comes here..


Well-Known Member
Do you change out your rez weekly??? Keep the water temps below 75% The hygrozime:spew:
will diff help but those roots look NASTY.


Active Member
yeah the water temp has been getting warmer AND the ph was at like 7.5 so after making some changes... boy what a learning experiance i hope to god i can save my plant tho


Active Member
wow i cant belive how bad this really was... i guess the roots are suppose to be nice and white not orange and slimey hu.... my babies went from drinking mad water to barely taking any.. they stoped growing and i guess are dying.. anybody have GOOD pictures of roots?.. i am trying to wash them in clean water and scrub off some of the nasty stuff on the bottom of the stem and the roots are coming off in my hand.. no i was bad at changing the water and did it only a couple times in 2 months...


Active Member
I also had root rot in my AG.
I rinsed all off with water.
H2o2, with the water until I got some Captan
then I ordered some SM-90
Roots are getting white new growth


Active Member
like white white?? not yellow or anything? do they get thicker in the later stages towards the base like mine did or is that also a sign of the root rot? I am sure the hygrozyme will help in my next grow or if i can manage to save this..